Our Time to Shine

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Gothi Redwald OR If you're anything like me you may have spent your younger years thinking up challenging scenarios which you could face down heroically. I remember days spent in the Scout Movement becoming interested in the outdoors and…

Raising Boys, Building Men

Gothi Redwald OR A problem exists in modern western society in regards to the way boys are raised and how a great number of adult men behave. As with all things social and political, a vacuum does not exist for long until it is filled,…

Invocations to Various Deities for Children and Families

Wonderful invocations for children and family use for the Gods: Odin, Heimdal, Baldur, Frey and Thor written by Sam Coles AOR.

How to Tame Your Dragon

What do we mean by "dragon" and how and why is it important to "tame" it.

A Chain Made of Generations

Ancestor is a word we hear a lot in Odinism. At seasonal blots and special rituals such as a Naming, Profession or Bael we hear it and hopefully within your home you hear this term as well. So what does this word mean and why is it so important?

An Edda Glossary for Children

A glossary for young folk (and their parents) of the names of many beings, places and things found in the Eddas.

OR Year Word Walk

Start the new year off with this fun printable to help you learn our Odinist names for the months. Try to figure out which of the months goes where and work your way from start to finish!

Odinist Alphabet Printables

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Printable coloring pages for young children help to teach them about the alphabet and our Folk religion.

Gods and Goddesses of Our Folk

A series of brief essays on some of our Odinic Gods and Goddesses.

The Kidnapping of Idunna Part 2: Idunna’s Golden Apples

Conclusion of myth of the kidnapping of Idunna as told by Thorfinn AOR.

The Kidnapping of Idunna Part 1: Loki’s Tricks Turn Nasty

The story of the kidnapping of Idunna as retold by Thorfinn AOR.