The OR has really provided a loose but structured guidance that has proven itself to be the model for both individuals and families looking to return to their ancestral religion; it truly is the embodiment of Odinism in the modern world. Our children were raised in the Rite and I am happy to say are living on their own and raising their own families in our folkway. The greater OR truly is a rock in turbulent waters. A more dedicated group of folk you will find no where else, this was true nearly 20 years ago when we joined and it is still true today. Many hails!

Prior to joining the OR, I felt the call of our ancestors and ancient indigenous faith. For 25 years or more I searched for those that felt the same. I investigated many neo-pagan groups but found them spiritually and communally wanting. It was only in recent years that I discovered the Rite and having had so many bad experiences in the past, I was wary and cautious. The OR is my refuge having given me the spirituality and re connection with my ancient faith that I longed for and the community, strength and purpose for which I’ll always be grateful.

Before I joined the OR, I was a lost and rudderless vessel navigating life’s turbulent waters. When I found the Rite, it opened up a spiritual pathway I never thought possible. I had goals and drive and determination once more and the OR gave me a compass to guide me on my journey. It truly saved my life and I have met some wonderful folk along the way that have not only become my true friends, but also family. Hail the Rite.

I found my ancestral faith back in the late 1980s and happened on an address for the OR in a magazine. Delighted to find others like me, I wrote to that address and received a lovely letter back from Heimgest. I joined in 1991 and feel that I have found a family and have grown in spirit. I have not met an OR member that I would not trust my life with.

Being an isolated odinist for years, I came across the Odinic Rite who offered not only deeper insights in Odinism, but it also opened up a whole world where I came to realise I wasn’t as alone as I had come to believe.
The Odinic Rite offers a discipline I never encountered in any other organization that claims to promote the faith. For the adept Odinist the Odinic Rite offers the opportunity for evolvement, both as an individual Odinist but also the chance of being a part of something greater than the individual.
No matter what walks of life someone comes from, the Odinic Rite with its many initiatives will have something to offer them with a genuine interest in Odinism as a faith.

I joined the OR after already being Odinist for 11 years so it was less of an awakening than a reinforcement and wappenshaw. The OR is a shield wall for our faith whereas independent groups and kindreds are just simply forts or lonely guard towers. I loved the pan-Aryan focus of the rite along with the pan-Germanic tradition, the sense of camaraderie and professionalism. I immediately took to its international structure and hospitality to incarcerated members. We need a shield wall! Hail the Rite!

I’m still fairly new, but in the time I’ve been here my faith and spirituality have blossomed out from a little budding flower to a rose in full bloom. It has filled me with pride to associate with these wonderful comrades and sisters.

I came to the OR after befriending a local member. I had been a bit of a lone wolf up to that point, but the OR seemed right for me. It’s a forward thinking organisation, seeking to continually advance our religion; something we can all play an active part in. Over the last few years I have become a much better person and I have the OR to thank for that.

I was wary of organized Odinism. Most of the groups I was exposed to were corny reenactors. I didn’t think that I would ever find people who had the same ideas about modern Odinism that I had. Then I met some people on an Odinist forum that were members of the Odinic Rite. They seemed like good people. They were very insightful and, like me, they believed that Odinism is a serious religion that is a part of who we are as a people. I started reading articles on the O.R. website. I looked at what other people were saying about the O.R. on other forums. After two years, I decided that I would apply for membership. The O.R. is a real Odinist organization that views Odinism in a modern context, not as a religion that stagnated 1,000 years ago. The O.R. is an organization founded on strong folkish principles and does not try to gain popularity by compromising these ideals. Since joining the O.R. I have gained a wealth of knowledge in Odinism through the O.R. forum and have begun the Odinist Theology & Philosophy Basic Foundation Correspondence Course. I am very happy with my decision to join the Odinic Rite and am proud to be called a member.

I was first aware of the OR in 1993, mentioned in a book called ‘The Elements of the Runes’ by Bernard King. At that time I was devouring all types of esoteric literature and everything was a learning curve. I had carved out a lone wolf way of looking for what I wanted from my beliefs. Sigbert OR had talked to me about the OR and how I could advance within my beliefs and how I would fit in with what was offered by the OR and its grounding influence. I encouraged Sigbert OR with all his endevours but I was stubborn. I eventually joined after great thought was given in which direction I was taking in my faith. I have not been disappointed with what I have learned and participated in, going to Great Moots and Folk Camps and blotting with Hearth members from Frey’s Beacon Hearth OR. As I often say, “all roads lead to now” and I have yet to be disappointed with the road that has taken me to the OR. Hail the Awakening, Hail our Folk.

I joined the OR after joining an OR hearth here in Devon. I had been a solitary Odinist for three years previous and felt isolated and alone. On joining the OR I was given a warm welcome and could feel I was amongst like minded folk. The OR has assisted with my spiritual growth and was there to answer any questions I had as well as leading me to some firm friends; I came ho

I was a solitary Odinist for 4 years or so and was a member of various internet groups, but never felt that they took things seriously, adding in “general” paganism and whatever else they fancied. Since joining the OR, I feel that I have met a good group of like minded people that I look forward to spending more time with. I have also broadened my understanding of Odinism through the correspondence course and interactions with the good Folk of the OR.

I am a former incarcerated member of the OR who joined sometime in 2006. I met members of Blod Tru Hearth AOR; the Rite’s first prison Hearth and I was very impressed with the standards they upheld and their integrity. I had been a solitary Odinist since 1999, and the more I learned about The Rite, the more I learned a more advanced and heartfelt approach to being an Odinist in the Modern World. This furthered my rehabilitation , and gave me guidance on my way home.
I am now a member of BTH and active with the Prison Affairs Bureau as a Regional Worker for California and other facets. The camaraderie and inspiration I’ve received from being a member of the OR is immeasurable really and I can only pray that I can in some small way be of service to The Rite and our Faith, Folk and Family as I have been served by those who have come before me.

Being an Odinist for some years prior to joining the Odinic Rite, I was searching for a place where my family and I could develop spiritually, both exoterically and esoterically. We found all that and more in the Odinic Rite! Through membership within the Rite and the formation of The Northern Winds Hearth OR, we continue to grow with our advancements in NY State. The Odinic Rite is the Spear Head of Odinism Internationally! Hail The Rite!

I heard about the OR several years ago when I first came to know about my heathen heritage and learn about my ancestors. Sadly it took me several years to build up the courage to join but I am thankful I did for I have found brothers and sisters here I never knew I had and I have grown as an individual since joining. I truly feel I am home with my folk, my faith and my family here with in the Rite.