Our Time to Shine
Gothi Redwald OR
If you’re anything like me you may have spent your younger years thinking up challenging scenarios which you could face down heroically. I remember days spent in the Scout Movement becoming interested in the outdoors and receiving my Backwoodsman badge. It was small fry stuff but with my pocket money I purchased that old Survivalist’s bible, Lofty Wiseman’s ‘SAS Survival Handbook’. In the years that followed my Scouting friends and I went on camps, skinned and cooked rabbits over an open fire, got filthy dirty and learned all sorts of skills.
I used to wonder how I’d cope in a real life or death situation. I’d imagine being one of a few survivors of a plane crash and leading them; designating folk to different roles depending on the terrain, climate and skill set of individuals involved. Water collection. Fire. Shelter. Rescue. I dreamed and planned.
Of course, living in the modern world as a regular citizen, survival scenarios do not crop up often. Hard target self defence is useful if one is a city dweller, but that is generally the most one has to contend with.
We have food and water readily available and medical assistance a telephone call away.
Until something happens.
This article is being written in the early weeks of the Corona virus outbreak in Europe and it is impossible to tell what the forthcoming days will bring. Shop shelves are bare due to panic buying. Small businesses are set to go under and many jobs are at risk. At the end of this week, the schools in England are to close indefinitely, putting huge pressure on the time and budgets of modern working families.
Never has the traditional family unit been so necessary.
People are fearful, not so much due to the flu-like virus which only appears to be dangerous to the elderly or those with certain health conditions. Despite regular flu taking many, many lives each year from the aforementioned specific groups, our government and authorities world wide are taking extreme action in this case. Our folk’s fears are related to food, finances and the unpredictability of fellow citizens.
I do not properly understand why government action is so drastically different to the action (or inaction) taken in regards to a regular bout of seasonal flu and I am not prepared to go on record with ideas or conspiracy theories. I can only address facts related to day to day local happenings.
The fact is we face a sudden change in circumstance which is affecting everyone’s life and as Odinists we must step up and truly live our faith and ideology, especially the Nine Noble Virtues.
I propose a fighting stance. A sense of drive and positivity. We must be family and community leaders.
Some of us will be practiced preppers. Most will know of the concept but will not be prepared. But this situation will not completely depend on how many tins of food we have access to; it is a survival and a ‘Be Prepared’ mindset which all genuine Odinists should have.
Recently my wife and I had a heart-to-heart discussion. She asked me why I married her and what I found attractive in her. Romanticism aside, I explained frankly that I’d had an ideal since my late teens. I always wanted a family and I wanted a wife who fit with my traditionalist mindset. I had kept relationships with women short until I was ready to commit. I sought a woman who would help me raise healthy children. A woman who wasn’t excessively materialistic. A woman who didn’t get into debt chasing a lifestyle beyond reach. A woman who could see the beauty in life and in herself. A woman with a religious attitude and one who was open enough to accept my ideas, religion, philosophy and ideology even if she didn’t completely understand them or agree with everything. With the passing of each generation, I feel the search for this kind of woman gets harder.
But with a crisis comes great changes in how folk think and the things they truly value are tested. Mindset change is directly proportional to the level of crisis faced.
As the societal effects of the Corona virus strike through Europe, this mentality of not getting into debt and appreciating the simple things is about to pay dividends. A religious attitude will win through.
I would like now to propose a plan of action for Odinist families.
Your children are about to be at home for a significant time; money may become tight; food may be difficult to source.
This is exactly what we need to deepen our beliefs and test our resolve. Are we paper Odinists or do we walk the walk?
During the days ahead, set a schedule and organise a routine. Rise at a set time. Hold a simple family meeting over breakfast. Physical training to be done in the morning, outdoors if possible. Tablets and games consoles to be put away until a set time later in the day. Mid-morning onward is for education. Either school work or home-school alternatives. You now are in control of education; make it count. Keep snacking to one 11:00am treat. Food may become scarce. The children should be aware of this, but not fearful of it. Lead the family with confidence and fear will not be an issue. Children are resilient and they will thrive off a challenge if they are allowed some control and responsibility. Give them responsibilities and chores. Afternoons can include free time. Late afternoon should be dedicated to a book or creativity. Suggest making a journal. There is now the potential for dealing with so many things, such as developing and role playing home scenarios such as a fire drills and simple first aid. Play the “What if?” game and run through make believe events. Make it fun. Preceding the evening meal, families should say grace; this has initial Christian connotations but no religion owns the right to be thankful for one’s food. Each family member should take a turn each evening to say something as the rest of the family pauses for a moment to reflect on where the food came from, that an animal may have died to provide nutrition and that there is no such thing as a free meal.
Much can be done and the present circumstance offers Odinists an immense opportunity to rise to a challenge and show others just what we are made of.
Religion becomes important to people in times of crisis. Have leaflets ready. Print them out now and keep them to hand. Let the children design some. If possible, do something in the community such as an outdoor PT session each morning for sensibly small numbers of neighbours or local friends. Do not destroy hope by taking on too much. Make the little things count. Speak about your faith to others.
Above all, realise that this is our time to shine.
Sig Wunjo – Victory and Joy
For Faith, Folk, Family and the Nine Noble Virtues:
Courage – Truth – Honour – Fidelity – Discipline – Hospitality –
Industriousness – Self-Reliance – Perseverance
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