Ostara Booklet from Acorn Hollow

Please enjoy this Ostara Booklet. Donar's Hearth OR has used it every year and it never fails to entertain, as well as, create a memoir of the celebration.

Odinic Word Search

Fabulous word search was created by Aidan of Frey's Beacon Hearth OR

OR Year Word Walk

Start the new year off with this fun printable to help you learn our Odinist names for the months. Try to figure out which of the months goes where and work your way from start to finish!

Odinist Alphabet Printables

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Printable coloring pages for young children help to teach them about the alphabet and our Folk religion.

Nine Worlds Maze Challenge

These four printables contain 9 mazes representing the 9 worlds. As you finish one the next gets harder as you try to make your way to Asgard!

Midsummer Sun Maze

Printable maze in honor of the Summer Solstice of Midsummer: Festival of Balder.

Midsummer Coloring Pages

Printable Midsummer coloring pages for all ages.

Printable Father’s Day Cards

Mix and match, printable, coloring Father's Day cards.

Nine Noble Virtues Printable Activities

NNV Printable Activities to supplement the teaching of these important traits.

Wolves of Odin Maze

Printable maze. Help Odin's wolves find their way home.