OR Update – November 2263
Audio, Health, OR and OdinismThe following update has been sent out to our email list subscribers.
OR Media presents: Odic Force Meditation - OR Gothar Certified - OR Store

Odic Force Meditation
Audio, MeditationThis new presentation from OR Media is a very useful tool to aid meditation (and also light trance state/work) as Redwald OR has constructed it in such a way that this guided 'Odic Force meditation' not only leads one along a path but gives meditation and light trance inducing techniques as it guides.

The Betrayal of Our People
Audio TalksWulfstan OR gives an impassioned talk about the constant threats to the uniqueness of our folk. Recorded at the 2005 OR Great Moot in London.

The Noble Nine
Audio TalksAsrad CG discusses the 9 Noble Virtues and their application in every day life. Recorded at the 2005 OR Great Moot in London.

Laurel Owen Interview with Odinist Press Service
Audio InterviewsLaurel, the OR's Prison Affairs Bureau Coordinator interviewed by Odinist Press Service which provides links to news of interest to Odinists.

Heimgest’s Ravencast Interview
Audio InterviewsAn in-depth interview by Ravencast - The Asatru Podcast. Heimgest goes into depth about the structure, activities, history and outlook of the Odinic Rite.

Religion and Ethics: Interview with Lucy White
Audio InterviewsAn interview with OR member Lucy White, conducted for Western Voices News by John Young of European Americans United.