Odinic Education
From Tiny Acorns Come Mighty Oaks!
Welcome to Acorn Hollow, just one of the Odinic Rite’s family of Folkish resources. We aim to make this a complete and up-to-date resource for Odinist parents. Consider this quote:
“Odinism is a living religion, a combination of cultural, material, ethical and spiritual realities as they relate to our folk family and our place in creation. It evolves, as we evolve, we evolve, as it evolves.”
The most basic and vital unit of this living religion is the Family. This is why “Family” is part of the Odinic Rite’s three fold Motto: Faith, Folk, Family! Through Acorn Hollow parents and children will find a resource that will enrich the entire family. Parents have resources to raise healthy, strong, Odinist children. Children have a safe place to read about their ancestral ways and heritage, play heritage games and download booklets and puzzles. Folk considering a future family will learn from experienced Families, educators, and Odinists how to be successful in any future family endeavors. Finally the entire family will have access to heritage, culture and health resources that will help them not only survive in our modern world, but thrive.
Please check back often, the OR team will constantly be updating and adding information that our families need.
Thank you, Odinist families. Without the vital lifeforce of our families, our Folk would surely be doomed. Please send in your photos, articles, comments, games, everything! Let our Folk Family make this a resource that evolves and ensures our place in creation!
The Acorn Hollow Logo
Acorn Hollow was started in response to the needs of our Odinist Families. When choosing a logo we wanted to choose something that exemplifies the cyclic nature of Family-life, death, rebirth. We chose the Oak, sacred to Donar the protector of the family, as a potent symbol of the Odinist Family. So, the logo is comprised of the sacred Triskle that has become synonymous with the Odinic Rite with the three multi-colored droplets symbolizing the changing seasons of the Oak. Its encircled by a wreath of oak leaves and acorns, the fruit of the Oak just as children are the fruits of a Family. So as one can see, we chose a symbol that identifies Acorn Hollow with our most vital resource, our growing Odinist families.
Our Motto, “From Tiny Acorns Come Might Oaks” speaks of our the most important work set before us as Odinists, that is the nurturing, awakening, and encouraging our children to be the best they can be!
We hope that each person that visits our site is inspired to work for the Future of Folk and help Our Community cultivate our Tiny Acorns so they become Mighty Oaks. Thank you! Faith, Folk, Family Acorn Hollow