Odinic Ritual: The meaning and need for Dance

During the Fylfot Hearth’s Yule celebrations last year, I was talking to Hengest OR about the Morris Dance I had been learning over the past few months, and about how many of those who dance it today do not see any ritual significance to it,…

The 3 Secrets

By Reginhard OR I heard it said once; “If you see a problem in the world, you be the change that solves the problem.” So what I would like to discuss is how do we stand up and be that solution. How can we work towards strengthening our folk.

The Odinist Path – A hike towards the Odin Conciousness

by Hariulf OR The Odinist path is not a thing that we can learn in a blink of an eye. It is not a thing that we can learn in books. It is a thing that we must live! It is a very long path which will take the efforts of an entire life (and maybe of many others).

Hospitality as Solidarity

by Michael Boyd AOR Hospitality is a virtue, one of our Noble Nine Virtues, that is rarely discussed or written about by Odinists due to its self-explanatory, popular meaning. I think we should explore this virtue deeper however, and discover its folkish rather than popular implications as concerns Odinism as a healthy religious movement and evolving theology.

Wyrd in the Night Sky

By Arinbjorn OR Wyrd is a subject that comes up often and is largely understood by most, confuses some, and is completely grasped by none. I have always had a fair grasp on Wyrd myself, but one night, while gazing at the stars, I had a realization that might help some.

True Potential

by Redwald AOR One of the most frustrating realisations one can have on the journey towards personal enlightenment comes in the moments we pause, look around and see the lack of ambition in our fellow man.

Winter Nights and the Healing of the Soul

by Hyndla OR For the past 10 years, Donar’s Hearth and the Odinic Rite Vinland have hosted a Winter Night’s party that was open to the “public”. We have always combined the spiritual with the fun. We have the traditional games of…

“Time” to Live

A Great Moot talk by Eowyn OR As Odinists, we must realise the triune concept of time with its past, present and future as static entities does not belong to our worldview; indeed, common parlance demonstrates this admirably: "you can't live in the past;" tomorrow never comes." Both sayings hint at the truth: there is only an eternal now, an eternal becoming.

In Memory of John Yeowell – “Stubba” (1918-2010)

On 25th Shedding 2260re one of our founding members, John Yeowell, better known as Stubba in Odinist society, passed from this realm at the age of 92.

ODINISM – Our Faith, Heritage and Identity – Part 4

by Heimgest DCG The way forward for our Faith is not an easy one, but most worthwhile things are not easily obtained. Discipline and commitment are vital for any movement, spiritual, physical or mental; huge patience and perseverance are needed.

Middling Wise

By Michael Boyd AOR I have often been accused of being ‘extreme’ on certain issues concerning ethics and morality, yet I can only smile and say, “true”. An elderly friend of mine named Gordon Clark, long since deceased, used to say when accused of ‘extremism’, “Extreme? You’re damn right I am extreme; I love my folk and friends as much as I hate my enemies”. His point, despite the tone, was that at times extremism is needed and often just means ‘true’.