What it means to be Folkish

Recently I was engaged in a rather heated and lengthy debate with some people close to me about my Folkish beliefs and the general Folkish stance of our organisation, the Odinic Rite.

Little Red Hens

by Hengest Thorsson OR All of you, as OR members should be aware that our myths are multi-layered and full of symbolism. They can be accessed on many levels and depending on our level of development will reveal varying degrees of guidance and wisdom to us.

Odinism and (Anti-) Christianity

By Mark Puryear Our religion is an ancient ethnic heritage, for our folk, which emphasizes the importance of true cultural diversity and respect for all peoples. With that said, it seems odd to me that any of us would then turn around and challenge the progress of our movement by attacking any parallels to Christianity we may find in our research.

Positive Resistance as Heathen Virtue

Within a sound morality and in recognition of the lifestruggle is the virtue of resistance: resistance to degeneracy, to vice, to atheism, to monotheism, to universalism, unsoundness, stagnancy, ad infinitum.

The Myth of Ragnarok – As a Cosmic Event, Personal Event and as an Evolutionary Step Towards Odin Consciousness

By Arinbjorn OR The destruction wrought in the Ragnarok is a reflection of daily events that occur across the cosmos. Though the mythic Ragnarok is seen by the layman as an end of a story, in truth it merely details a period of cleansing and transition. This transition is visible to us on a daily basis as Sunna passes over the western horizon and the new day begins.

Odinism, Youth and Morality

By Sam Coles If the youth of a people are not educated from a young age about the ways of their Folk, and taught to love, celebrate and preserve the Folk customs that have grown and evolved as their Folk evolved, then their and their Folk’s raison d’etre will gradually disappear, and be lost. The old guard can only keep the customs alive for as long as they are physically able, and if there is no young blood willing to learn from the older folk, to receive the banner and continue marching forward proudly, the result will be obvious and tragic.

Finding Direction

By Jeffrey Morales AOR A problem with many people this day and age is that they refuse to relinquish or look beyond pre-programmed dogmatic philosophies of being subservient to an all knowing, all powerful deity. Why would intelligent people let outside influence dictate what they should or should not believe?

So be it – A few thoughts on the idea of Calm Acceptance

By Sam Coles AOR I try to accept the course of events in my life, living as best as I can, but understanding that difficulty and struggle are not punishment or ‘ill-fate’, but are there to forge a stronger will, to improve us in all our aspects, and to put us onto the right path.

Time to Honour an Unsung Hero – Hoskuld CG

By Heimgest DCG Thankfully our folk also have many heroes from the past who not only can inspire us today but also give us a sense of who we are. It is for this reason that many modern state operated educational establishments (or so called educational establishments) no longer teach the history of our people. The New Awakening is at a stage now where we also have heroes from the much more recent past– truly Odinic heroes and heroines who have dedicated themselves to the restoration of our ancestral way.

The Conscious Individual

By Jeffrey Morales AOR You are going to die! This is not exactly what people want to be reminded of, but it's in everyone's future so there's no point in hiding from it. Some of us may try to circumvent the Grim Reaper by renting freezer space for our heads or invest in DNA cloning to create a new healthy body. Death is one of the greatest ironies in human thinking. Almost everyone (through various interpretations) believes they possess an infinite divine spirit within them. If the spirit in you lives forever; then what's the big "fear" of death for?

Cats and Pianos

A talk by Heimgest DCG to the 2258 Great Moot. At one point, I had a quite amazing cat called Merlin; he was great at catching mice, he was intelligent, he could open doors and he was very vocal and joined in gealdor. But he couldn't play the piano... It wouldn't matter how long he sat at a piano, he would never be able to play it.

Isolation and the Threat of Apathy

By Asbrandir AOR I believe that it is clear to most people that apathy is generally caused by two factors. The first would be lack of personal contact with another of like mind, with whom ideas, thoughts and general comradeship can be shared. The second, adding to the burden of the first, is to see on a daily basis one’s highest principles and ideals disregarded and trodden into the dirt, if not made outright illegal, in our dishonourable times.