‘The Charming of the Plough’ – A Short Film

This brand new short film from OR Media explains the first ceremony of the year; the Odinic Rite’s ‘Charming of the Plough’ blot. An ancient ceremony whereby a corn token from the previous year’s harvest is ploughed back into the…

Meditations on the Peaks

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By Redwald OR Meditations on the Peaks is a short film by OR Media inspired by the Julius Evola book of the same name. This film is not intended to be a review of the book, but aims to inspire Odinists towards a greater connection between…

My Profession

A Report by Redwald OR If I’m honest, no doubt like many others, I considered Profession rather early on in my OR ‘apprenticeship’. Being pretty eager regarding new challenges, I have often tried to run before I can walk. Sometimes this enthusiasm has paid off, and other times I’ve ended up taking on a bit too much for my own good. Indeed, my wife is often telling me that I do too much... and I nod, smile and tell her that my greatest fear is to be lying on my death bed regretting not having done more.

Odinic Ritual: The meaning and need for Dance

During the Fylfot Hearth’s Yule celebrations last year, I was talking to Hengest OR about the Morris Dance I had been learning over the past few months, and about how many of those who dance it today do not see any ritual significance to it,…

Winter Nights and the Healing of the Soul

by Hyndla OR For the past 10 years, Donar’s Hearth and the Odinic Rite Vinland have hosted a Winter Night’s party that was open to the “public”. We have always combined the spiritual with the fun. We have the traditional games of…

Exploring the Blot – Part 3: Artefacts

By Mark Puryear As a ceremonial religion, Odinism utilizes various implements in the worship of our deities. These items are sacred symbols embodied within the very strata of our ancestral belief system, which allow us to connect to the ritual purpose of communication with the Gods on a deeper spiritual level.

Exploring the Blot – Part 2: The Sacred Verse

In ancient societies poetry was an incredibly important factor of religious expression, especially in Teutonic Europe where Skaldic and Eddic art forms were highly valued and praised among the folk. In fact, every piece of lore that has survived from the pre-Christian era in this region was written in verse. Therefore, it would be safe to say that this practice was also used in the writing of prayers (boenar) and blotar as well. When we consider the fact that the Hindus, our Indo-European cousins, have retained their sacred verse forms and meters (Anustup, Mahapadapunkti, etc.) in liturgical hymns and prayers for thousands of years, it is easy to see that the same would have been the case for us, had it not been for the Christian invasions.

Exploring the Blot – Part 1

By Mark Puryear The word “blot” is an Old Norse term designating a sacrifice or offering. It is etymologically linked to English “blood”, which was its original meaning; since in ancient times animal and even human sacrifices were performed to the Gods and Goddesses, with their blood being a central object of observance. This may be shocking to some, but what many should know is that every race in every land on earth has practiced some form of blood sacrifice at one time or another..

The Odinic Rite Year – Major monthly blotar and ‘secondary’ dates/festivals

The major monthly Blotar are fully explained in our Book of Blotar which is recommended reading and available from the Rite. Of course Hearths and individuals should not restrict themselves to only one Blot a month. Daily rituals are also given in the Book of Blotar and a few 'secondary' dates/festivals are given here.

Blot Structure

The purposes of blotar or ritual are many. They are times when we very consciously hail the Gods and ancestors. Times when we consciously know of our link, biological and spiritual, with them. Time when we can realise our belonging and contact the Gods, Ancestors and folk soul. We realise and feel the forces of the universe, of Creation and while we are individuals, know we are linked to our Gods and folk and to all creation. They also remind us of our duties and responsibilities to our Gods, folk and land.

A Brief Explanation of the Monthly OR Blotar

Taken from the OR Book of Blotar, this article gives a guide and rationale for the major monthly Blotar of the Odinic Rite.