Guardians Litter Pick
Activism, EnvironmentI have just returned from a most enjoyable day with members of our hearth, Freys Beacon Hearth, who met this time in the role of Guardians

Vaccination: Venom of Jormungandr
HealthBy Eowyn OR
There is a common assumption held by many Odinists and non-Odinists alike that vaccination gives Mother Nature a ‘helping hand’ by strengthening our immune systems against viruses and bacteria. Medical Establishment cries to “Vaccinate or Die” and their manipulation of information has coerced millions of people into partaking of vaccination programmes that are measurably lethal to ourselves and our offspring; and it is the evidence from orthodox medical researchers’ own findings that damns them.

The Elder Tree
NatureThe ELDER is a tree whose reputation has been aspersed by Christians, no doubt because of the reverence and affection with which it was regarded in pagan times.

The myth of William Tell
HeritageBy Hariulf OR
First of all this article is not really an Odinic article, but I would like to share with you a very important myth for Switzerland. The very interesting thing with this myth is that it is very close to two other myths of Germanic lore: Toko's story reported by Saxo Grammaticus and the Dietrich von Bern/Thidrek's saga.

Trees and Men
Natureby Seb AOR
At all times, the peoples of Northern Europe have had a special relationship with trees. We find this relationship in our mythology and in our folklore. But we also find it in the everyday life, a symbiosis between men and trees. Indeed, without trees, there certainly never would have been life on earth. This article aims to put forward this symbiotic relationship between trees and men.

The Importance of Preserving Heritage, Tradition and Race.
HeritageBy Sam Coles AOR
Without a specific heritage to claim as their birthright, people are rootless and consequently drift through life without knowing or understanding where they came from, who they really are, or where they’re truly going. It has also been said that without the solid foundation of heritage, it is not possible to build anything that will last and stay the course, and that includes a folk community. Although this applies to every racial group, in this short article I will be focusing primarily on the situation of the Indo-European Folk.

Heimdall, Mother Jorth, and Unlikely Suburban Foods.
NatureBy Jim AOR
Because edible plants were important to our ancestors, and will again become important to us, I seek to learn about the edible plants of my own Odal lands here in North Carolina. Getting to know particular plants, watching them grow, learning their uses at different times of the year, and allowing Mother Jorth to bear them in Her time while being conscious of that life process, can lead to sensitivity and patience lost for many caught up in the age of convenience and consumerism that surrounds us.

Radical Detoxification – Reclaiming the Wild Soul
HealthBy Eowyn OR
There is an ancient woman who lives in a place that everyone knows in their souls but few have ever seen. She is circumspect, often hairy, always fat and especially wishes to evade company. She crows and cackles, generally making more animal than human sounds. I might say she lives everywhere and nowhere- in the mountains, buried in a grave; maybe she will be seen walking to market or sitting by a well. Bone Woman is known by many names but always her purpose is to collect bones and especially that which is in danger of being lost to the world.

Deforestation & Bio-fuels
EnvironmentBy Asrad CG
For many years now, environmental campaign groups have been calling for much greater use of alternative energy sources in an attempt to reduce our dependency on fossil fuels. For a long time they were ignored by the big global industries; but over the last few years there has been a massive surge in interest from the multi-nationals and governments towards the use and production of bio-fuels. Why?

Cosmetic Ingredients – Part 1
HealthBy Solwyn AOR
Most people use products without knowing what an item is made of. Understanding an ingredient label enables you as a consumer to know what it is that you are putting on yourself. Some of these terms you may be familiar with from advertising, and some you may have heard of but have misinterpreted because the terminology in chemistry can be confusing. Still others are just plain nasty and you're scrubbing them right across your butt every morning in the shower. If you aren't sure what something is or does, google the term or visit the library, research the pros and cons, and see what some of these ingredients are being put in.

Back to the Land: The Path to Self-Sufficiency
ActivismBy Asbrandir AOR
In writing this article, it is my aim to start an on-going discussion on the idea of living in a community attempting to live as self-sufficiently as possible. I shall say now that I myself have just begun learning about this path and I can only do my best to explain my thoughts and ideas here. This is an open discussion, where ideas, positive energy and of course constructive criticism are readily accepted.

Holographic Ecology: Nemesis of the Loki-ites
HealthBy Eowyn OR
There is a great agenda which apparently threatens the very soul-path and evolution of our folk. All folk in the Rite are aware of this fact in some way. We see it in the wanton destruction of our heritage, our lands and our people. Deforestation, relentless road-building, immigration, pollution in our food and water supplies, media-disinformation: all are factors in the equation which I don't need to elaborate upon.