“Le Cliot de Tsèrafouén” – The Hollow Of Fairies
HeritageBy Hariulf OR
Here is a beautiful legend from my land. This is not really "Odinic" but it’s interesting because it shows that despite the Christianization of the folk, the belief in the invisible world has never completely disappeared.…

In the Footsteps of Offa
HeritageThis brand new film from OR Media traces the 23 mile section of the Offa's Dyke Path between the Anglo-Saxon town of Kington and the village of Newcastle.

Bow Before the Power of the Onion and Despair!
HealthLalani Matheson AOR
The onion. We all know it. Probably the most common vegetable for cooking, from raw slices on our hamburgers to the powder we season the meat with. It also seems to fall into the category of either loved unconditionally or loathed completely.

Tafl: The Game of the Gods
HeritageBy Mark Puryear
The game of Tafl, “Tables,” or Hnefatafl, “King’s Tables,” is an ancient pastime that was played by our ancestors as far back as 400 AD, until it was superseded by chess around 1000 A.D.

The Return of Self Reliance
Health, The Idun ProjectBy Jennifer H AOR
Self Reliance is one of our NNV. We can be self reliant in any number of areas. However, I would like to take a moment to speak with you about the importance of self reliance in one of the most basic areas of humans existence. Food.

Idun Project Southeast London – Lessons and Results from First Year.
The Idun Projectby Hengest OR
I have not posted about my allotment since Jim C wrote a report about it way back in August 2010 so I thought I would share some of what I have learned in that time.

Live – Breathe – Grow
The Idun ProjectOur ancestors were not just warriors - in fact many people mistakenly believe Odinism to be purely a warrior religion. Although there is a strong warrior aspect to Odinism, one of the key areas in which our ancestors thrived was in agriculture.

My Potato Project; The Importance of “Organic”
HealthA great video by a young lady by the name of Elise showing how a simple experiment can show the extent that even foods we might consider natural are tampered with and polluted by agrochemicals.

2nd International Guardians Weekend
Activism, EnvironmentThis year we a repeating this event and we would like as many Hearth’s, individuals and friends of the OR as possible to get involved and plan an activity or activities for some time over the designated weekend.

Odinic Ritual: The meaning and need for Dance
Blot and Ritual, HeritageDuring the Fylfot Hearth’s Yule celebrations last year, I was talking to Hengest OR about the Morris Dance I had been learning over the past few months, and about how many of those who dance it today do not see any ritual significance to it,…

Preparing for a new growing season
Health, The Idun ProjectIt's that time of year when I need to start preparing things for the new growing season. It was going to be a few hours down on the allotment planting raspberry canes but the skies looked ominous and there was rain starting to fall. So I decided…

Delamere Litter Pick.
Activism, EnvironmentToday some members of Frey's Beacon OR Hearth met up in Delamere forest for a litter pick. Those present were Neil AOR, Aidan, Sean and myself. We were also joined by Pat and her daughter Sally, who although not Odinist, wanted to help clean up this beautiful Forest.