Rejecting the Past

In order to placate foreign and immigrant groups we - the indigenous peoples - must forego our own culture and our history because it is regarded as offensive and an affront to those who have small culture and no history. In the name of a spurious and unnatural equality we must forget our past and the breathtaking achievements of our people.

Oak Apple Day

Everywhere in England sprigs of oak were worn on 29 May, Oak Apple Day. They were sometimes called chitchat and in Hereford it was 'Chit-chat Day'. According to the English Dialect Dictionary both Chit Jack and Shitsack were in use at Barford, the next village to Wishford. These customs clearly link 29 May with Jack in the Green, Robin Hood, May Day and Summer Finding.

An Old Heritage

Canada is a Nation of immigrants. Even our indigenous aboriginal Native population is considered to have come from elsewhere. Eirik the Red Thorvaldsson having been kicked out of Norway emigrated to Iceland. From there it was a short sail to Greenland, a misnomer if ever there was one, and from there another short sail to Canada. Vinland, they called it, and that has been a problem ever since. Vinland as they found it didn't grow grapes, anymore than Greenland was green.

Loki’s Matrix of Illusion Part 1: Playing the discordant HAARP

Modern life as we know is oriented around the use of electromagnetic energies: we are constantly bombarded by electromagnetic radiation from televisions, radios, phones, pylons, high voltage cables, modes of transport, computers and the myriad of household appliances we use. Any metallic objects surrounding us act as receivers and dissipaters of these disorientating energy waves, which can alter the very polarities of our physical bodies and upset its homeostatic balance.

The Role of OR Environmental Concerns Officer

By Eowyn OR From ORB 196 - Summer 2005 My new role as Environmental Concerns Officer for our organisation is also a new position within the Odinic Rite. It has several important functions, all of which aim first and foremost to raise the crucial…

Odinism & The Environment – Atmosphere

Penda Wulfr OR The atmosphere surrounding Midgard is one of mother Jorths greatest gifts to us. It gives us air to breathe, without which we would die, it gives us weather systems which are essential to the survival of mankind and our eco-systems.…

Odinism & The Environment – What Can Be Done?

Penda Wulfr OR Midgard is in trouble, Mother Jorth is in a very bad way. The waters are polluted and the life within is being poisoned and hunted to extinction. The land is being raped and turned into deserts and dustbowls, over farmed…


By Eowyn OR To a greater or lesser degree, most Odinists are aware that the environment is vital for the wellbeing of all our folk across the generations. However, it is also glaringly obvious that our own reverence for Mother Jorth is not…

Technology – A New God?

First published 1987 Research at present being carried out shows that technological progress did not necessarily involve pollution or the use of un-renewable natural resources. We live today in a period of history that is often…

Odinism & The Environment – Plant Life

Penda Wulfr OR One of the most familiar symbols of the natural world is that of a tree. Think of a place outside of our concrete cities and the first image to enter your mind will more than likely be trees. One of the most important and…

Water – Nature’s Sensationally Reflective Medium

By Eowyn OR "No problem can be solved from the same consciousness that created it" -ALBERT EINSTEIN As great seafarers, water was a major aspect of our ancestor's lives and, as for us today, an essential element of physical survival. Water…

A Time of Creation

CONTRARY to what one might expect the most creative period of the year is winter rather than spring or summer. Ostara is a period of manifestation, of the coming into form of various things. Winter Finding is the entrance to creativity…