Tag Archive for: mythology

The Elder Tree
NatureThe ELDER is a tree whose reputation has been aspersed by Christians, no doubt because of the reverence and affection with which it was regarded in pagan times.

Positive Resistance as Heathen Virtue
OR and OdinismWithin a sound morality and in recognition of the lifestruggle is the virtue of resistance: resistance to degeneracy, to vice, to atheism, to monotheism, to universalism, unsoundness, stagnancy, ad infinitum.

The Importance of Preserving Heritage, Tradition and Race.
HeritageBy Sam Coles AOR
Without a specific heritage to claim as their birthright, people are rootless and consequently drift through life without knowing or understanding where they came from, who they really are, or where they’re truly going. It has also been said that without the solid foundation of heritage, it is not possible to build anything that will last and stay the course, and that includes a folk community. Although this applies to every racial group, in this short article I will be focusing primarily on the situation of the Indo-European Folk.

Attracting Women to the Rite – Some considerations.
Family & Society, OR and OdinismBy Eowyn OR
As a revolutionary organisation operating within the context of a modern universalist culture, the OR faces many challenges to not only sustain folkish ways, but also to build towards a better future for its people with an infrastructure that honours multiversal values. Amongst the most pressing challenges we face is that of attracting more women into the Rite. This is not merely an exercise in building numbers, nor even about trying to have equal numbers of each sex (as desirable as this might be); it is about a fundamental balancing of the energies that create the matrix on which the Rite's activities are woven.

Thor & Sif
Circle of Ostara Articles, Deities & LoreFew of our divinities have been as much maligned by mythological compilers as Thor. There is no doubt that in the elder days he was an extremely popular god, one who was considered to be the patron of the people, a ready champion in times of trouble.

Giants and the reliability of received mythology (from the Eddas, Snorri and Saxo)
Circle of Ostara Articles, Deities & LoreThere appear to be two main classifications of deity grouped together under the term "giant": great creative spirits, and the powerful guardians of certain localities - mountains and rivers, for instance.

The Great Year
Circle of Ostara Articles, Deities & LoreThe Web of Wyrd is by no means a static construction. It is motion made manifest. The flashing patterns of energy within the heart of the atom, the wheeling dance of galaxies and stars, all is motion.
It is within this concept of a cosmos in continual, rhythmic, patterned motion that the idea of the "Great Year" must be considered.

In Defence of the Term “Myth”
Deities & LoreRecently, I’ve had the occasion to discuss with a fellow Heathen the use of the term “myth” with respect to its appropriateness in defining what our sacred stories (our lore) really are all about.

The Mead of Inspiration
Deities & LoreMead is mentioned frequently in Odinic myths and other bodies of writing related to Odinism, and as we know (and sometimes enjoy), it is also in evidence at Odinist gatherings etc. Many Odinists brew their own mead and in many ways it would be a fair observation to say that mead drinking has become a part of Odinist practice in some instances.

Deities & LoreWithin the Odinist / Asatru community as a whole, there is often a rampant misunderstanding and false perception of Loki. At its worst some would claim to be on the ``Lokian path``, some offer blot to this force or pay honour. To be blunt the ignorance displayed in doing such is staggering and to compound it, such individuals invariably think they are actually very clever. They chase further ignorance believing it wisdom, but such is the nature of the Loki energy, it deludes.

Deities & Lore, OR and OdinismThere are, as we know, some who actually give blot to Loki. A few of these do so because basically they are immature and get a thrill thinking they are being ``dark`` etc. and most of these types will grow out of it, though a few unfortunately will become immersed in negativity on a longer lasting basis.

Deities & Lore, OR and OdinismAs we have seen in previous articles including part 1 of this work, our mythology is applicable on various levels of reality and understanding. At a profound level it is an illuminated guide to our own individual evolution to more highly evolved sates and levels of consciousness. A path we progress upon over many lifetimes until we achieve the highest state of awareness, which we may call Odin Consciousness.