THE OATH – Magical and Psychological Considerations

When we are professed in the Odinic Rite we take an oath. Let us just reflect for a minute or two on the inner implications of this. As we all know, we can come across the kind of situation when we might make a promise that we cannot keep. This is part of the human condition. But an oath such as we take in the OR as a professed member is quite a different matter.

The Sources of Thor’s Power

THOR has been much loved of the common folk and much maligned by the scholars throughout the ages. We see evidence of his cult in the statuary relics of the German mercenaries of the Caesars. The late medieval Icelanders were renowned for their enthusiasm for this most accessible god of our pantheon, the people's friend; and the Eddaic scholars could not easily ignore him.


Even amongst Odinists the subject of Ragnarok can lead to a cloud of melancholy. Like all myths it can be applied to our personal experiences but I want now to deal with its epic aspect and why rather than allow a feeling of gloom to descend on us we ought to see it as an affirmation of our being and our direct contact with our gods.

TYR – Father, Protector, Provider

TYR has often been misunderstood and even more often misrepresented. The Romans simplistically equated him with their god of war, mars. Consequently Tiw, as the Anglo-Saxons called him, has the honour of giving his name to Tuesday, but is otherwise neglected by many as being embarrassingly militaristic.

Uruz in Physical Use

THE power or energy expressed in the Uruz rune can be used in everyday life in tasks requiring a prolonged use of physical strength, particularly if it is of a monotonous nature.

What’s In A Word?

'IN the beginning was the Word' , a statement found at the beginning of the Hebrew Bible, is a typical word-play used to subtly twist the truth. ' The Word ' is attributed to the god Jehovah, a wrathful and destructive demon, and so all of creation is attributed to the destroyer. In reality the statement has a far different meaning.

Wyrd Part 1: The suppression of Wyrd

Why is it that references to the Wyrd are so few in number? Why is it that the concept of Wyrd has all but been forgotten for well over one thousand years? In fact, we are very lucky to have an, references left at all.

Wyrd Part 2: In the Beginning was the Wyrd

True to form the Christ people placed the birth of their God at the time of the birth of the sun - the Winter Sunstead - their version being a word-play - 'birth of the son', the son of God. Even before this the Judaic Old Testament uses a clever word play to twist the concept of Wyrd, for Genesis maintains: "In the beginning was the Word". It maintains of course that the Word was God.


Within the Odinist / Asatru community as a whole, there is often a rampant misunderstanding and false perception of Loki. At its worst some would claim to be on the ``Lokian path``, some offer blot to this force or pay honour. To be blunt the ignorance displayed in doing such is staggering and to compound it, such individuals invariably think they are actually very clever. They chase further ignorance believing it wisdom, but such is the nature of the Loki energy, it deludes.


Following publication in the last ORB of the 'MAY LOKI BE BOUND article, I received some very good feedback and questions. As it is vital for both personal growth and the advance of our Holy religion that this figure is properly understood, I think it would be helpful for all OR members to see the pertinent questions and the response.


There are, as we know, some who actually give blot to Loki. A few of these do so because basically they are immature and get a thrill thinking they are being ``dark`` etc. and most of these types will grow out of it, though a few unfortunately will become immersed in negativity on a longer lasting basis.


As we have seen in previous articles including part 1 of this work, our mythology is applicable on various levels of reality and understanding. At a profound level it is an illuminated guide to our own individual evolution to more highly evolved sates and levels of consciousness. A path we progress upon over many lifetimes until we achieve the highest state of awareness, which we may call Odin Consciousness.