The Odinic Pantheon – Preliminary ideas and a statement of purpose

In its resurgence over the past century Odinism has sometimes lacked credibility due to a tendency on the part of its adherents to refer to our deities in what can best be described as a literary fashion.

The Great Year

The Web of Wyrd is by no means a static construction. It is motion made manifest. The flashing patterns of energy within the heart of the atom, the wheeling dance of galaxies and stars, all is motion. It is within this concept of a cosmos in continual, rhythmic, patterned motion that the idea of the "Great Year" must be considered.

Ragnarok and the Myth of the Eternal Return

The story of Ragnarok is an example of the archetypal theme which has been categorised as the myth of the eternal return.

The Circle of Ostara

The Circle of Ostara is a Magical Order associated with (but not officially a part of) the Odinic Rite, together working to further the awakening of our people. The Circle itself has a long history, and has developed its own system of mystico/magical practice.

In Defence of the Term “Myth”

Recently, I’ve had the occasion to discuss with a fellow Heathen the use of the term “myth” with respect to its appropriateness in defining what our sacred stories (our lore) really are all about.

Gealdor/Mantra as an OR practice

In the early days of this new overt resurgence of our glorious religion, the use of gealdor was somewhat overlooked in Blotar and personal practice. In fact some treated it with suspicion. Of course the fact that most (if not all) blot included hailing the Gods can be seen as practicing a mantra without consciously realizing it; for in a way these can be seen as a simple mantra. However it was not generally perceived as such and runic gealdor was only practiced by a few.

The Mead of Inspiration

Mead is mentioned frequently in Odinic myths and other bodies of writing related to Odinism, and as we know (and sometimes enjoy), it is also in evidence at Odinist gatherings etc. Many Odinists brew their own mead and in many ways it would be a fair observation to say that mead drinking has become a part of Odinist practice in some instances.

Another Site Reclaimed!

On a small mound, some yards from Cottington Road in the Cliffsend area of Thanet, Kent, stands a stone monument known as St. Augustine's Cross. The 'Celtic Style' cross bears an inscription which des­cribes the landing of this alien monk at nearby Richborough, where he "---on this spot met Ethelbert and preached his first sermon to our countrymen. A.D. 596".

Re-membering the Wheel of the Year – Part 1

In recent times, 'new physics' has shown that the whole exists within the part just as much as the part exists within the whole. In quantum physics, this is known as holographic theory. Of course, our ancestors knew this principle well and Odinic mythology consistently shows this truth.