Tag Archive for: odinic rite

Project: Odin – Songs to the Allfather
OR Media AlbumsOR Media is excited to announce the pre-Yule release of our brand new album entitled 'Project: Odin - Songs to the Allfather'.
A significant number of Odinist artists have once again contributed to what is potentially OR Media's most groundbreaking music release to date. This album - with tracks inspired by the Allfather - is a culmination of artists' musical interpretation of the esoteric and exoteric meaning of Odin and contains tracks which span a broad spectrum including acoustic, metal, folk, contemporary and meditative.

Hail the Heathen Hammer
OR and OdinismBy Anders B. AOR
It were at last year’s G.M, that Blutgeist OR gave a talk and meditation on the hammer and what it means to us that bit deep into me, to the point that I had this overwhelming feeling to make a hammer to be of a high enough standard to represent our faith.

The River of Our Life
OR and OdinismBy Rory H. AOR
I read a while ago a quote about the Odinic Rite being as a rock in a rapidly flowing river, resisting those forces which are constantly trying to wash it away and lose our holy faith forever. I agree totally with this thought but I consider that there is more to this statement than initially meets the eye.

Project: Odin
OR Media NewsOR Media is preparing to breathe life into a brand new music album with a working title of ‘Project: Odin’.
The success of OR Media’s previous albums proved that members and friends of the Odinic Rite have the talent and the determination to create, complete and submit tracks from a variety of musical genres and in keeping with the Odinic pantheon.
Project: Odin aims to focus artists’ song creation on a single deity yet retains the capacity to evolve this idea using the immense landscape of our mythology and our own contemporary imagination.

About Industriousness
9 Noble Virtues & ChargesAs OR members, we are expected to live our lives according to the Nine Noble Virtues. Of course, this is not an easy task and it’s even very difficult at times. But we all join the OR by our free will and it’s by our free will that we have accepted to work to promote the OR and Odinism. It’s by our free will that we accept to strive to live by the NNV. Nobody forces us; it’s our own choice. Among the NNV, there is one that I find very important if we want to see our Sacred Faith advance: INDUSTRIOUSNESS

Folk Spirit to start the day
OR Media AlbumsBy Shawn E AOR
Being new to the Odinic Rite can be a tricky thing, as there is much to learn and much to unlearn from previous paths traveled. However, I have found something that has helped me in several ways in my daily life. That is daily meditation and use of the Folk Spirit CD.

2nd International Guardians Weekend
Activism, EnvironmentThis year we a repeating this event and we would like as many Hearth’s, individuals and friends of the OR as possible to get involved and plan an activity or activities for some time over the designated weekend.

YuleSnowflakes not only remind us of Winter, but also of Hagalaz the rune for Winter and regeneration.

Donar’s Hearth OR Yule Booklets
YuleEvery year Donar's Hearth OR and the Odinic Rite Vinland host a Yule Celebration. The following booklets contain Yule Carols, Crafts, and stories to use through out the Yule Season. We use them every year at our gathering, an everyone - young and old alike - enjoy them. We hope you do too!

In Memory of John Yeowell – “Stubba” (1918-2010)
OR and OdinismOn 25th Shedding 2260re one of our founding members, John Yeowell, better known as Stubba in Odinist society, passed from this realm at the age of 92.

Folk Soul – A Second Compilation of Odinist Artists
OR Media AlbumsWe are very pleased to announce the release of "Folk Soul - A Second Compilation of Odinist Artists".
Folk Soul is the second release on the Odinic Rite Media label and is the sequel to "Folk Spirit - A Compilation of Odinist Artists"
The album features 15 unique track by 14 different artists and will appeal to a wide variety of musical tastes with various genres represented.

Time to Honour an Unsung Hero – Hoskuld CG
OR and OdinismBy Heimgest DCG
Thankfully our folk also have many heroes from the past who not only can inspire us today but also give us a sense of who we are. It is for this reason that many modern state operated educational establishments (or so called educational establishments) no longer teach the history of our people. The New Awakening is at a stage now where we also have heroes from the much more recent past– truly Odinic heroes and heroines who have dedicated themselves to the restoration of our ancestral way.