Tag Archive for: ancestors
Navigating the Maelstrom – Part 2: Toddlers and Preschoolers
AH - Child Health, AH - Teaching & EducationBy Hyndla OR
In the prior article we covered our family’s experiences with infants. Whenever something is written, some things are forgotten, and I wanted to cover a few things before moving on to Toddlers and Preschoolers.
Navigating the Maelstrom – Part 1
Acorn Hollow Education, AH - Child HealthBy Hyndla OR
My purpose with these series of articles is to hopefully give parents my point of view on parenting and help them be better parents. I don’t intend to preach at parents or say my way is the best way, but I can say we have had much success and have raised our children from birth to maturity as Odinists. My sincerest hope is that it holds value for someone!
The River of Our Life
OR and OdinismBy Rory H. AOR
I read a while ago a quote about the Odinic Rite being as a rock in a rapidly flowing river, resisting those forces which are constantly trying to wash it away and lose our holy faith forever. I agree totally with this thought but I consider that there is more to this statement than initially meets the eye.
The Kensington Runestone Museum
HeritageBy Solwyn AOR
The Kensington Runestone Museum is located in Alexandria, Minnesota. It is a small museum with an inside and outside display. The outbuildings are transplanted original dwellings donated by the current owners of various properties in the state of Minnesota. They present a small snapshot of how our folk would have lived in Scandinavia, and other parts of Northern Europe.
Health and Spirituality – An introductory guide to policy and recommended practice for Odinists
HealthBy Eowyn OR
In cultures throughout the world, the vital link between health and spirituality has always been recognised; many- such as Buddhists- work with this link in their daily lives today. The ancient Vedic texts written by our ancestors contain much of this wisdom which unfortunately has been marginalised or lost to us as a consequence of our descension into the Kali Yuga aka the Wolf Age and with it, a great agenda that seeks to enslave us all. In particular, our folk have suffered as a direct result of embracing an alien creed, which sees the body and spirit as separate, the body often being regarded as little more than a repository of sin.
ORBriefing: A Lifeline for Lone Members
OR and OdinismLook what the OR can do for me! Look what it offers! These comments I thought to myself many times, then it dawned on me, if nobody submitted articles to ORBriefing, if nobody took time to organize and work on things, then there would be nothing for the rest of us to enjoy and look forward to!
The Great Theft – Part 2
Odinism, Poetry & ProseBy Wayne W AOR
The sky outside the window hard darkened, and the snow was falling quickly now. The Old Man stood again and looked out the window. He could see no sign of his family, and the tree line just a few hundred feet away was barely visible through the falling snow. Far off he thought he heard the sound of thunder. Thunder!
The Return of Self Reliance
Health, The Idun ProjectBy Jennifer H AOR
Self Reliance is one of our NNV. We can be self reliant in any number of areas. However, I would like to take a moment to speak with you about the importance of self reliance in one of the most basic areas of humans existence. Food.
Live – Breathe – Grow
The Idun ProjectOur ancestors were not just warriors - in fact many people mistakenly believe Odinism to be purely a warrior religion. Although there is a strong warrior aspect to Odinism, one of the key areas in which our ancestors thrived was in agriculture.
Folk Flame review at Living Traditions magazine
OR Media NewsIn a world where we are bombarded with consumerism and meaningless entertainment there is a great need for music that resonates with the values of our Ancestors.
Wights and Our Folkway
Deities & Lore, Family & Societyby Juliegh Howard- Hobson AOR
The care and keeping of landwight relations is underemphasized in the many writings on Northern European folkways. Yet, it is the wights, (disir, alfar, house wights, land wights, tompts) who actively strengthen—even more than our ancestors, and more than our gods--our vital link, our holy bond, to Nerthus, the earth, this place we occupy day and night until we leave.
A Chain Made of Generations
AH - Faith, Folk & FamilyAncestor is a word we hear a lot in Odinism. At seasonal blots and special rituals such as a Naming, Profession or Bael we hear it and hopefully within your home you hear this term as well. So what does this word mean and why is it so important?