
During our lifetimes how much time is spent earning money which is then thrown away buying basic items that we could produce for ourselves? Of this money how much of that is wasted purely because the old skills needed to produce something have been lost, trampled into oblivion by the consumer culture and alien, materialistic greed?

The Return of Self Reliance

By Jennifer H AOR Self Reliance is one of our NNV. We can be self reliant in any number of areas. However, I would like to take a moment to speak with you about the importance of self reliance in one of the most basic areas of humans existence. Food.

Idun Project Southeast London – Lessons and Results from First Year.

by Hengest OR I have not posted about my allotment since Jim C wrote a report about it way back in August 2010 so I thought I would share some of what I have learned in that time.

Live – Breathe – Grow

Our ancestors were not just warriors - in fact many people mistakenly believe Odinism to be purely a warrior religion. Although there is a strong warrior aspect to Odinism, one of the key areas in which our ancestors thrived was in agriculture.

Preparing for a new growing season

It's that time of year when I need to start preparing things for the new growing season. It was going to be a few hours down on the allotment planting raspberry canes but the skies looked ominous and there was rain starting to fall. So I decided…

Idun Project expands in SE England

Members of the OR met up on Sunday 22nd August to help Hengest clear his new allotment and ready the plot for propagation. If you've never rented an allotment before, then you have no idea how much blood sweat and tears it takes to knock an overgrown and neglected plot into shape. My blistered hands and aching body are witness to how much work we did.

The Idunn Project – South East

This first report by Jim charts his initial progress and thoughts about his newly acquired allotment, and shows that extensive gardening experience is not a prerequisite for such a venture - all you need is enthusiasm, respect for the soil and faith in Nature.