Tag Archive for: illusion
An Understanding of the role of Loki in Odinic Mythology
Deities & Lore, OR and OdinismBy Heimgest DCG
In the myths, the figure of Loki is present throughout the cycle and is only vanquished at Ragnarok. Viewing the myths on the level of our own personal evolution and self realisation, the Ragnarok is representative of our final overcoming of that which stands in our way to attaining that higher evolution, so we see that it is only by overcoming that “enemy” that we are successful in that.
In the myths, the figure of Loki is present throughout the cycle and is only vanquished at Ragnarok. Viewing the myths on the level of our own personal evolution and self realisation, the Ragnarok is representative of our final overcoming of that which stands in our way to attaining that higher evolution, so we see that it is only by overcoming that “enemy” that we are successful in that.
Meditations on the Black Sun – Part 1
Deities & LoreBy Volksieg AOR
The sole intention of this piece is to provide food for thought and, perhaps, to act as a launch pad for further discussion and exploration. None of the writings below should, of course, be considered “Holy Writ” or any such dogmatic nonsense but should be treated as they truly are: mere threads of thought collected as they became apparent. Therefore, I leave it up to you, dear reader, to ascribe any objective value of truth as is deemed necessary.
Deities & LoreWithin the Odinist / Asatru community as a whole, there is often a rampant misunderstanding and false perception of Loki. At its worst some would claim to be on the ``Lokian path``, some offer blot to this force or pay honour. To be blunt the ignorance displayed in doing such is staggering and to compound it, such individuals invariably think they are actually very clever. They chase further ignorance believing it wisdom, but such is the nature of the Loki energy, it deludes.
Deities & LoreFollowing publication in the last ORB of the 'MAY LOKI BE BOUND article, I received some very good feedback and questions. As it is vital for both personal growth and the advance of our Holy religion that this figure is properly understood, I think it would be helpful for all OR members to see the pertinent questions and the response.
Deities & Lore, OR and OdinismThere are, as we know, some who actually give blot to Loki. A few of these do so because basically they are immature and get a thrill thinking they are being ``dark`` etc. and most of these types will grow out of it, though a few unfortunately will become immersed in negativity on a longer lasting basis.
Deities & Lore, OR and OdinismAs we have seen in previous articles including part 1 of this work, our mythology is applicable on various levels of reality and understanding. At a profound level it is an illuminated guide to our own individual evolution to more highly evolved sates and levels of consciousness. A path we progress upon over many lifetimes until we achieve the highest state of awareness, which we may call Odin Consciousness.
OR and Odinism# The Oxford English dictionary says the word 'commitment' means: 1. Dedication to a cause or policy.
# 2. A pledge or undertaking.
# 3. An engagement or obligation that restricts freedom of action.
So there is a question which we should ask ourselves. As Odinists, just how committed are we to Odinism and its advancement?
AH - DeitiesA brief essay on Loki.