Tag Archive for: rune

Runic Name Analysis: Living up to your name

by Shawn E AOR I have found that using the runes to analyze and interpret various aspect of people's names is an interesting exercise in growing in personal runic understanding. It has also been rather fruitful in helping others see themselves in a new light.

Runes – The Materials and Methods Employed in Rune Making

One of the ways of becoming acquainted with the Runes is to make a set for yourself, and there are a variety of materials that can be used for this purpose.

Runes – A basic intro to the Runes

The Runes are, at their most basic level, as described here. However, just as you are a unique individual, their relationships with you are also unique. If you wish to explore these relationships and how you interact with each Rune, then you must explore the Runes, one at a time, and have no regard for other people's explanations.

Yule: Dough Ornaments

Rune ornaments for your Yule tree or to hang at your blot site.