Tag Archive for: Germanic

Odinism, To Me
OR and OdinismBy D Meister AOR
To me, Odinism is the modern expression of the Germanic Folk Soul. It is a manifestation of the Teutonic folkish personality, a personality that seeks a balanced relationship with humankind and its Mother Jorth, a holistic…

Vedic – Eddic – Avesta : Part 1
Deities & LoreBy Egil Bamberger AOR & Hodr Fabian AOR
Upon opening ORBriefing, issue 219 Autumn 2261 pg.3 we read “The ancient Vedic texts written by our ancestors contain much of this wisdom …” The key word being “Vedic”, which may be a…

OR and OdinismBy Laurel Owen-Scutari
I had a stranger email me, wondering whether I was Odinic or Pagan. This person did not even bother to introduce themselves. Are people becoming more rude, or are those of us in the public eye subject to personal questions out of the blue from strangers? I’m not sure. It made me cranky, and not just because of the intrusion and lack of manners. It made me cranky because last year some guy in the Texas prison system who has been writing me for years suddenly decided I was no longer Odinic. He cited the fact I don’t follow the Odinic Rite calendar to the letter, and that I celebrate May Eve, which proves out I’m a pagan, and worthy of sudden distrust. Wow.

The Germanic Mother and the Zeitgeist
Family & SocietyBy Sigurd AOR
When Tacitus wrote his Germania, he mentioned, in awe, how much veneration our Heathen ancestors gave to women, especially mothers. But somehow, somewhere along the way, this veneration got lost, and changed to utter demonisation...

The Elder Tree
NatureThe ELDER is a tree whose reputation has been aspersed by Christians, no doubt because of the reverence and affection with which it was regarded in pagan times.

The Importance of Preserving Heritage, Tradition and Race.
HeritageBy Sam Coles AOR
Without a specific heritage to claim as their birthright, people are rootless and consequently drift through life without knowing or understanding where they came from, who they really are, or where they’re truly going. It has also been said that without the solid foundation of heritage, it is not possible to build anything that will last and stay the course, and that includes a folk community. Although this applies to every racial group, in this short article I will be focusing primarily on the situation of the Indo-European Folk.

Holy Odinic Symbols: The Fylfot/Swastika
HeritageIn this article I have sought to concisely explain the history, etymology, meaning and modern use of the Fylfot/Swastika, including in ritual, utilising both external sources and my own interpretation and experiences as guides. I hope you will find this article both useful and interesting in learning more about this most holy of symbols. Hail the Fylfot!

From whence did the Northern Folk come?
AH - HistoryThe Northmen were a strong industrious people that came from Scandinavia and the Germanic Continent. They traveled all over the world and influenced many nation’s cultures and traditions.

Yule (Germany): Legend of the Bird Nest
AH - Faith, Folk & FamilyAccording to an old German legend, if you find a bird nest in the tree you harvest for Yule, you will have an entire year of health and happiness.