Tag Archive for: featured
Essential Skills – Navigation
AH - Teaching & EducationBy Rory OR
In our modern world of GPS (global positioning system), satnav in vehicles and all kinds of electronic gadgetry it is easy for basic skills to be overlooked and forgotten. While these electronic devices can and do save lives and even smart phone apps can be useful in an emergency they are, at best, just a back up for a good solid knowledge base and a thorough understanding of the basics.
On My Ordination, or A Manifestation of Wyrd
OR and OdinismBy Gothi Arinbjorn OR
On the night of Midsummer, 2264re, in front of friends, comrades and family, I was ordained as Gothi Arinbjorn of the Odinic Rite. This sacred ritual was the culmination of 4+ years of study, 2 years of growth and evolution, and a lifetime of events that seemed to point to that night.
Idaho Mid-Summer Moot 2264
OR EventsBy Thorbera OR
Our Idaho Mid-Summer Moot started on Friday night with the arrival of Heimgest in Idaho. We had planned a dinner get together for the Idaho residents and Heimgest so knowing he navigated his way from BC in Canada to the correct place was a relief. He contacted Arinbjorn OR and said he was going to lie down for a bit and then shower before we picked him up for dinner. At the appointed time we arrived at the hotel, checked at the front desk and were directed to his room. Yes, not very secure but we live in a semi secure city still!
UK Summer Folk Camp 2014
OR EventsBy Sigbert OR
The Odinic Rite's annual UK Folk Camp was a short but highly successful, enjoyable and rewarding weekend. This year's camp had a slightly different twist to it as we stayed in cabins instead of tents for the first time since we began holding the annual UK camp. We have seen reduced numbers at camp over the last couple of years due to the inclement weather we can have here in the UK, rarely extreme, yet the year before last saw thirty two hours of non stop rain over the camp weekend which was not a lot of fun!
The Odinic Rite's annual UK Folk Camp was a short but highly successful, enjoyable and rewarding weekend. This year's camp had a slightly different twist to it as we stayed in cabins instead of tents for the first time since we began holding the annual UK camp. We have seen reduced numbers at camp over the last couple of years due to the inclement weather we can have here in the UK, rarely extreme, yet the year before last saw thirty two hours of non stop rain over the camp weekend which was not a lot of fun!
Outpouring of the Folk Soul
Poetry & Prose By Redwald OR
The following verse came forth unexpectedly and quickly. It was written down faster than I could mentally process it, but upon reading it back I realise it is about a number of things; my recent consideration of meditation; a song which was written by my good friend Lee J, ‘Lost Between the Lines’; my constant frustration with the social constraints I endure daily but one day hope to see an end to and a desperate desire to encourage others of my folk to tune into their folk-soul and rediscover who they really are.
Handfasting of Hengest OR and Fran
Family & Society, OR EventsBy Sigbert OR
Hengest, Fran and family have not only become trusted comrades to me over the last 10 years or so that I have been in the Rite, but close friends that I have grown to love. So After seeing on the OR Members Forum a few months before that Hengest and Fran had decided to "renew" the wedding vows that they had sworn twenty years previously by becoming handfasted, I made sure that I would be there
Where To Now?
OR and OdinismBy Redwald OR
During my relatively short time in the Odinic Rite, I’ve seen some good folk come and some good folk go. This got me wondering. What brings people to the OR? What keeps them here? What occasionally prompts them to leave? I cannot look into the hearts and minds of my fellow kinsmen, but I can certainly delve deep into my own mind and attempt to come up with some answers. And maybe my thoughts may offer something to others.
Some Thoughts about Death and our Relationship with Her
Family & Society, OR and OdinismBy Hariulf OR
In this article, I have decided to speak of a subject that we do not cover very often in our daily discussion but that is yet one of the few certainties we have in life: death. This is a huge topic and I think we could write many books without ever being able to fully cover it. In this article I’ll just offer some reflections on this subject that came during my meditations.
The 9 Noble Virtues – A Suitable Hierarchy
9 Noble Virtues & ChargesBy K Nowakowski AOR
We took the Nine Noble Virtues, first defining each one as applied to the self and arranged in order of what we thought is a suitable hierarchy of importance and gave a brief explanation. This is a personal assertion that you may or may not agree with, though, thought provoking as it is I hope it presents an additional way to consider these virtues regarded so.
Legacy of Blood
OR and OdinismBy Ulfhethnar Odinsen AOR
The genetic roots of our people long predate the ancient civilisations and cultures of the Nordic North as well as those of Rome, Egypt and Sumer. They were outward manifestations of a people’s inherent drive to understand and create order in an otherwise chaotic world. A desire to emulate the Gods who set the Sun, Moon and Stars into motions and brought a semblance of order.
Hyndluljoth (The Poem of Hyndla)
Deities & LoreBy Einar Randall AOR
This is a myth I have never before really contemplated on. I will begin with a summary of the myth and then discuss my own views and interpretation.
Odinic Vision
Deities & LoreBy Shawn E AOR - ORBriefing 221 - Spring 2261
It has been accepted by many practitioners of Asatru, Heathenism, and Odinism that Odin, All Father of the Folk sacrificed his eye at some point in Mimir’s well. However, personally I have yet to find any evidence of this sacrifice for myself in the lore we generally accept as the Prose and Poetic Eddas... or logic. It is the intention of this article to explore what I have been able to find and share it.