Cosmetic Ingredients – Part 1

By Solwyn AOR Most people use products without knowing what an item is made of. Understanding an ingredient label enables you as a consumer to know what it is that you are putting on yourself. Some of these terms you may be familiar with from advertising, and some you may have heard of but have misinterpreted because the terminology in chemistry can be confusing. Still others are just plain nasty and you're scrubbing them right across your butt every morning in the shower. If you aren't sure what something is or does, google the term or visit the library, research the pros and cons, and see what some of these ingredients are being put in.

Holographic Ecology: Nemesis of the Loki-ites

By Eowyn OR There is a great agenda which apparently threatens the very soul-path and evolution of our folk. All folk in the Rite are aware of this fact in some way. We see it in the wanton destruction of our heritage, our lands and our people. Deforestation, relentless road-building, immigration, pollution in our food and water supplies, media-disinformation: all are factors in the equation which I don't need to elaborate upon.

MIDGARTH 911 (US) AND 999 (UK)

Midgarth is in a state of emergency- a global Ragnarok. Wider culture may take far longer than Odinists to peel the scales from their eyes and witness the harvest of devastation- a crisis arising from adherence to the life-denying paradigms of the desert creeds and its bastard offspring, the culture of materialism.

Water of Life

Men do not die, they kill themselves ~ Seneca, Greek Philosopher Would you drink this cocktail? Chlorine, Fluoride, MTBE (clean air additive to gasoline), Benzene, Arsenic , Lead, cadmium, aluminum, copper, trihalomethanes, calcium…

Your New Awakening: Your Health

by Eowyn OR Within the OR, there has been much discussion about the New Awakening; the usual context appertains to beliefs, what we do and how we behave. These are obviously vital considerations. But equally as important is our individual…