Vedic – Eddic – Avesta : Part 1
Deities & LoreBy Egil Bamberger AOR & Hodr Fabian AOR
Upon opening ORBriefing, issue 219 Autumn 2261 pg.3 we read “The ancient Vedic texts written by our ancestors contain much of this wisdom …” The key word being “Vedic”, which may be a…
Resisting the Wolf Age
OR and OdinismBy Redwald OR
The Wolf Age, more often known under the Hindu / Buddhist term 'Kali Yuga', refers in very simplistic terms to a period of time where religion wanes, spirituality degenerates and moral standards slip. It is an age of vice, lacking in high culture.
White – Red – Black
Deities & LoreBy Hariulf OR
The white, the red and the black (sometimes black is replaced by dark blue or green) seem to be symbolic colours of great importance into the different Aryan mythologies. We find them both in the Veda and in the Edda but also in the Iranian Bundahism. Incidentally, the OR for its logo also chose those three colours. I don’t think it’s a coincidence.
Ostara inspire us!
Deities & Lore, OR and OdinismBy Asrad CG
As the wheel of the year turns and the days grow longer and nights shorter our spirits start to lift. Without knowing darkness we cannot love the light and without experiencing the cold long nights of Winter we surely could not love the Spring and Summer as we do. Knowing and experiencing the harshness of winter means we make the most of the lighter nights and warmer days just as our folk have since the very beginning.
Hama Status – A Journey
OR and OdinismBy Redwald OR
It was Woden’s day in Horning 2009 when I performed the inaugural blot to celebrate my newly acquired Hama status – ‘Hama of the Golden Harvest’, named to honour and reflect my rural surroundings. Taking this new step forward, all I had to go on was an instinctive feeling that Odinism was something I felt in my gut rather than read in a book, along with an article by Eowyn OR on the Hama.
The Burning of Gullveig
Deities & LoreBy Reginhard OR
In Sturlson’s Poetic Edda, Gullveig is characterised as a wicked money grabbing sorceress who when visiting Asgard talks of nothing other than the love of gold. “They listened with loathing and eventually thought the world would be better off without her so they hurled her into the fire”
Odinic Crafting for a Modern World
AH Craft IdeasBy Kat AOR
So the challenge was to make an item for that year’s OR Great Moot Auction, with the theme of Seasons, using 4 different designs on 4 small canvasses, each canvas picture should contain an Odinic symbol. I decided no limitations were to be put in place so that I had free rein in what products I would use.
The day I met my Fylgia
OR and OdinismBy Thomas B AOR
The meditation concept is something really vast. I’m probably not alone in thinking that but I had a lot of trouble understanding it and even after a year it’s not always easy. I think the hardest part about that process is to find a way which allows you to shut everything down while opening yourself at the same time. It’s not really clear but to put it another way, you cut yourself from your surroundings to find the part of you buried deep inside.
The Great Moot – Observations from a first timer!
OR EventsBy Hodekin AOR
The Great Moot… What a wonderful title to conjure with! And for someone who is still very much a newcomer to the OR, and in spite of the many posts on the forum which said everyone would be welcome and no one would be left alone, for me it was still something of a daunting prospect to attend a meeting in which I would come face to face with the very people who I regard as being the living breathing heroes of the Great Awakening.
The Green Ray in Midgarth
OR and OdinismBy Gythia Eowyn OR
The depression many people experience today is not just sadness: it is a dark night of the soul because the influence of the fylgia in our lives is being severely constricted, if not effectively suffocated. It is integral to the soul of Nature so that there is a synchronous relationship between what we perceive as our own soul and that of the Natural World. Literally, we feel the pain of the natural world.
Essential Skills – Advanced Life Support
AH - Teaching & EducationBy Rob M AOR
The Rite has many members from different backgrounds and life experiences as well as differing forms of employment. This means we have a wealth of knowledge and practical skills that can only enhance our community and faith.…
Yule: History, Figures and Regional Traditions
Specials, YuleArinbjorn OR (OR Gothi), has provided a comprehensive exploration of the Yuletide celebrations, characters and modern incorporation of ancient traditions from all around Midgard.
The reading level is young teen to adult.
Merry Yule!