Computer Font Holy Symbols

By Shawn E. AOR

First we will make a square using some common characters on our keyboard, and we will make it to have five sections.

    / /\
   / /  \
  / /    \
 / /      \
/_/        \
\ \        /
 \ \      /
  \ \    /
   \ \  /
Excellent! A nice 3D looking ASCII Box. Now on to the steps to make this a Fylfot.

First we will make the needed holes to craft the arms as such:
    / /\
   / /
  / /    \
/_/        \
\ \        /
 \ \
  \ \    /
Now we can add in the arms and finish it off.
    / /\       Faith, Folk, Family
   / / /_
  / / / /\     May Sunna's light warm us,
 _\ \ \/  \    Thor's Hammer protect us,
/_/\_\  /\ \   All Father's wisdom guide us,
\ \ \/  \_\/   and, Freyja's passion drive us.
 \ \  /\ \
  \_\/ / /     Hail The High Ones!
    /_/ /      Hail to the Folk!
    \_\/       Hail The Odinic Rite!
To make one of these on your own, something simple like windows notepad works well. Be sure to use a fixed width font like Courier New and you will be in fine form to create ASCII images.


Shawn AOR

Also by Shawn:

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             FAITH | FOLK | FAMILY
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