Tag Archive for: new awakening

About Industriousness
9 Noble Virtues & ChargesAs OR members, we are expected to live our lives according to the Nine Noble Virtues. Of course, this is not an easy task and it’s even very difficult at times. But we all join the OR by our free will and it’s by our free will that we have accepted to work to promote the OR and Odinism. It’s by our free will that we accept to strive to live by the NNV. Nobody forces us; it’s our own choice. Among the NNV, there is one that I find very important if we want to see our Sacred Faith advance: INDUSTRIOUSNESS

Odinism and Philosophy
OR and OdinismBy Vidar AOR
Modern Odinism often lacks an in depth philosophical worldview, through no fault of our own of course, since our renewed faith hibernated for so many centuries. Searching for wisdom and truth, it is imperative that we learn the traditional branches of philosophy, make comparative studies where possible and work towards not only a stronger New Awakening, but a New Enlightenment as well. When it comes to heathen truth what is our true metaphysics? Ontology? Epistemology? Ethics? Metaethics? Logic? Aesthetics? Existentialism? And since ours is an indigenous organic faith, we can have, (once again), both science and spirituality.

Gealdor of a New Dawn
Poetry & ProseA Poem By Blutgeist OR
Hail New Dawn!
Hail New Awakening!
Hail Sacred Powers of Old!
Hail Holy Ones of Our Blood
In ancient Saga long told!
Hail Æsir! Hail Vanir!
I salute you now,
Not as slave, burdened with shame and sin,
But as…

GWHS – Second Cleanup 19 March 2005
Activism, EnvironmentSecond Cleanup 19 March 2005
The second meeting of the Guardians of the WHS took place on 19th March.
After gathering at a pub car park, we all made our way up to the site itself armed with wheelbarrows, bin bags, gloves and grabbers for…