Tag Archive for: materialism

Isolation and the Threat of Apathy

By Asbrandir AOR I believe that it is clear to most people that apathy is generally caused by two factors. The first would be lack of personal contact with another of like mind, with whom ideas, thoughts and general comradeship can be shared. The second, adding to the burden of the first, is to see on a daily basis one’s highest principles and ideals disregarded and trodden into the dirt, if not made outright illegal, in our dishonourable times.

Nature Spirits

Our pagan ancestors and the pagan peoples of every race believed that all things upon the Earth led life. Trees and plants, crystals and rocks, streams and springs of water, mountains, islands, animals and human beings, all were seen as live and conscious individuals, capable of thought and movement and of interaction with each other.

Yggdrasil – The Tree of Life and Death

The multiversal concept of Yggdrasil, the World Tree, has been touched on many times elsewhere. The material presented here is a drawing together of these threads, weaving them into a composite picture.

We Could Condemn Everything That Is Labelled Christian, But…Positive Thinking is the Way

Now that christianity is crumbling it is sometimes tempting for us to gloat about its imminent demise. But we ourselves have little to gloat about. Sure, more and more of our folk are neglecting christianity but how many of them are actually being restored to their North European gods? Not nearly as many of them as are drifting aimlessly into materialism.

ODINISM – Our Faith, Heritage and Identity – Part 3

When our faith was supplanted by the alien creed from the Levant and its later outgrowth, materialism, our Gods did not cease to exist, but our people ceased to recognise them. Though buried beneath layers of poison, the roots of our faith remained.