Tag Archive for: indo european

Vedic – Eddic – Avesta : Part 1
Deities & LoreBy Egil Bamberger AOR & Hodr Fabian AOR
Upon opening ORBriefing, issue 219 Autumn 2261 pg.3 we read “The ancient Vedic texts written by our ancestors contain much of this wisdom …” The key word being “Vedic”, which may be a…

Function, Faith, Frith
OR and Odinismby Michael Boyd AOR
In the microcosm and macrocosm there exist paradigms, or patterns, that determine everything. Plato called these “forms”, they are also known as Ideals. This is true of physics as it is of metaphysics yet our focus here is of course to the spiritual and the Odinic ambition of continual “Becoming”

Odinism and (Anti-) Christianity
OR and OdinismBy Mark Puryear
Our religion is an ancient ethnic heritage, for our folk, which emphasizes the importance of true cultural diversity and respect for all peoples. With that said, it seems odd to me that any of us would then turn around and challenge the progress of our movement by attacking any parallels to Christianity we may find in our research.

Balder, Ruler of an Age to come
Deities & LoreBy Arnbald, OR-B & FS
In the heathen tradition, Balder is certainly one of the most popular, but also one of the most perplexing gods. He seems to be quite well known. Almost everyone has heard of him or, at least, knows his name. But actually, very little is known of this divine character. We hardly find a book which would deal exclusively or mainly of him.

Odinic Ritual: The purpose and need for Dance
HeritageDuring this summer’s Odinic Rite Folk Camp, I gave a talk and demonstrated a ritual dance, which was composed from Morris dancing steps of the Cotswold tradition. You can watch a video of this dance at the end of the article. The reason I decided to perform this dance at the Folk Camp was because I wanted to show those who had not considered it before, that ritual dance has great potential for Odinism in the Modern World.

The Sources of Thor’s Power
Deities & LoreTHOR has been much loved of the common folk and much maligned by the scholars throughout the ages. We see evidence of his cult in the statuary relics of the German mercenaries of the Caesars. The late medieval Icelanders were renowned for their enthusiasm for this most accessible god of our pantheon, the people's friend; and the Eddaic scholars could not easily ignore him.

TYR – Father, Protector, Provider
Deities & LoreTYR has often been misunderstood and even more often misrepresented. The Romans simplistically equated him with their god of war, mars. Consequently Tiw, as the Anglo-Saxons called him, has the honour of giving his name to Tuesday, but is otherwise neglected by many as being embarrassingly militaristic.

Wyrd Part 2: In the Beginning was the Wyrd
Deities & LoreTrue to form the Christ people placed the birth of their God at the time of the birth of the sun - the Winter Sunstead - their version being a word-play - 'birth of the son', the son of God. Even before this the Judaic Old Testament uses a clever word play to twist the concept of Wyrd, for Genesis maintains: "In the beginning was the Word". It maintains of course that the Word was God.