Tag Archive for: heathens
Time to Honour an Unsung Hero – Hoskuld CG
OR and OdinismBy Heimgest DCG
Thankfully our folk also have many heroes from the past who not only can inspire us today but also give us a sense of who we are. It is for this reason that many modern state operated educational establishments (or so called educational establishments) no longer teach the history of our people. The New Awakening is at a stage now where we also have heroes from the much more recent past– truly Odinic heroes and heroines who have dedicated themselves to the restoration of our ancestral way.
Family & SocietyAS A PEOPLE we are noted for our law-abiding qualities or recognition of the need for order. As Odinists we realise even more the need for order if we are to flourish. Nature is ordered, a fact which escapes many hippy-type heathens. If order breaks down chaos descends. So what is order?
The Sources of Thor’s Power
Deities & LoreTHOR has been much loved of the common folk and much maligned by the scholars throughout the ages. We see evidence of his cult in the statuary relics of the German mercenaries of the Caesars. The late medieval Icelanders were renowned for their enthusiasm for this most accessible god of our pantheon, the people's friend; and the Eddaic scholars could not easily ignore him.
My Path to Odinism
OR and OdinismBy Kris Stevenson AOR
My path to Odinism has been gradual, and probably one that has taken most of my life up to now without even realising that I was any kind of journey. Science was my bedrock of understanding, although I had always felt that something more existed in this universe beyond the comprehension of man, but I was never able to form an opinion of what, or who, it was.