Tag Archive for: consciousness

Meditations on the Black Sun – Part 1
Deities & LoreBy Volksieg AOR
The sole intention of this piece is to provide food for thought and, perhaps, to act as a launch pad for further discussion and exploration. None of the writings below should, of course, be considered “Holy Writ” or any such dogmatic nonsense but should be treated as they truly are: mere threads of thought collected as they became apparent. Therefore, I leave it up to you, dear reader, to ascribe any objective value of truth as is deemed necessary.

True Potential
OR and Odinismby Redwald AOR
One of the most frustrating realisations one can have on the journey towards personal enlightenment comes in the moments we pause, look around and see the lack of ambition in our fellow man.

Positive Resistance as Heathen Virtue
OR and OdinismWithin a sound morality and in recognition of the lifestruggle is the virtue of resistance: resistance to degeneracy, to vice, to atheism, to monotheism, to universalism, unsoundness, stagnancy, ad infinitum.

Perfect Myth (a fleeting reflection)
Deities & Lore, OR and OdinismBy Eowyn OR
We wistfully imagine the perfect world with a characteristic sigh that simultaneously acknowledges that it just can't be. And therein lies the real crux of the matter. In striving for perfection, our ego creates in our mind's eye a static image- a model carved in stone- of something we think we 'have to' reach, whilst simultaneously in our hearts, we know this is impossible to achieve.

Yggdrasil – The Tree of Life and Death
Circle of Ostara Articles, Deities & LoreThe multiversal concept of Yggdrasil, the World Tree, has been touched on many times elsewhere. The material presented here is a drawing together of these threads, weaving them into a composite picture.

The Æsir – An introduction
Circle of Ostara Articles, Deities & LoreIn our attempts to write about the characteristics of our racial gods and goddesses, it is all too easy to fall into the trap mentioned in other articles in this series - that of seeing them as literary figments, characters in old stories and not as beings actually existing in a wider reality than that of the material world.