Tag Archive for: parents

Navigating the Maelstrom – Part 2: Toddlers and Preschoolers

By Hyndla OR In the prior article we covered our family’s experiences with infants. Whenever something is written, some things are forgotten, and I wanted to cover a few things before moving on to Toddlers and Preschoolers.

Navigating the Maelstrom – Part 1

By Hyndla OR My purpose with these series of articles is to hopefully give parents my point of view on parenting and help them be better parents. I don’t intend to preach at parents or say my way is the best way, but I can say we have had much success and have raised our children from birth to maturity as Odinists. My sincerest hope is that it holds value for someone!

Thoughts on Socialization

A valid concern for any parent, not just home schooled parents is socialization. The biggest complaint by anti-home schoolers is that home schooled children lack in social skills. In the following I would like to touch on some points to help home schooling parents both new and veteran. Socialization is definitely a concern, but really not the only concern when it comes to raising the next generation.

The One Room Schoolhouse

So how does one school several children at different grade levels? Or rather, how does one keep his or her sanity when having to teach several grade levels? Speaking from experience, this writer has a difficult time with it! The following is some tips and tricks when teaching several grade levels at once.


The education of Our children is one of the most important jobs that we as Odinists can perform. Even if we choose to have our children educated through an outside source such as public/state/private schools, our children learn their truest lessons at home. In this section of Acorn Hollow we provide Parent-Teachers tools, advice, and lessons to better educate their children.