Tag Archive for: pagans

OR and OdinismBy Laurel Owen-Scutari
I had a stranger email me, wondering whether I was Odinic or Pagan. This person did not even bother to introduce themselves. Are people becoming more rude, or are those of us in the public eye subject to personal questions out of the blue from strangers? I’m not sure. It made me cranky, and not just because of the intrusion and lack of manners. It made me cranky because last year some guy in the Texas prison system who has been writing me for years suddenly decided I was no longer Odinic. He cited the fact I don’t follow the Odinic Rite calendar to the letter, and that I celebrate May Eve, which proves out I’m a pagan, and worthy of sudden distrust. Wow.

Balder and Nanna
Circle of Ostara Articles, Deities & LoreThe story of the death of Balder is an archetypal pagan myth which echoes through the folk tales of many peoples.

Thor & Sif
Circle of Ostara Articles, Deities & LoreFew of our divinities have been as much maligned by mythological compilers as Thor. There is no doubt that in the elder days he was an extremely popular god, one who was considered to be the patron of the people, a ready champion in times of trouble.

The Earth
Circle of Ostara Articles, Deities & LoreThe Earth is of the utmost importance in the ethical, mystical and magical system followed by the Circle of Ostara. Not the Earth as a literary abstraction to be discussed in smoke-filled city rooms but the Earth as an actuality - our living planet.

We Could Condemn Everything That Is Labelled Christian, But…Positive Thinking is the Way
OR and OdinismNow that christianity is crumbling it is sometimes tempting for us to gloat about its imminent demise. But we ourselves have little to gloat about. Sure, more and more of our folk are neglecting christianity but how many of them are actually being restored to their North European gods? Not nearly as many of them as are drifting aimlessly into materialism.