Tag Archive for: heimdal

Vedic – Eddic – Avesta : Part 1
Deities & LoreBy Egil Bamberger AOR & Hodr Fabian AOR
Upon opening ORBriefing, issue 219 Autumn 2261 pg.3 we read “The ancient Vedic texts written by our ancestors contain much of this wisdom …” The key word being “Vedic”, which may be a…

Odin and the Tower
Poetry & ProseBy Harry S AOR
Nothing could escape Odin’s eye when he sat in his High Seat of Hlidskjalf. He would cast himself onto its velvet upholstery, and let his mind move over all the worlds. One particular day, not so long ago in the memory of our people, he sat there and gazed over the multiverse.

Heimdal, the Shining One
Poetry & ProseBy Sam Coles AOR
Armour of silver, helmet golden,
Sword of gleaming sun-fire,
The Defender of Asgard’s peaceful realm.

Circle of Ostara Articles, Deities & LoreThe Van, Heimdal, is a god of peculiar significance for our folk. He, it is said, stands sentinel at Bifrost Bridge and guards the realm of Asgarth from invasion by evil. With his armour of silver, his golden helmet and his great gleaming sword he is a shining figure in our mythology.