Tag Archive for: handfasting

Handfasting of Hengest OR and Fran

By Sigbert OR Hengest, Fran and family have not only become trusted comrades to me over the last 10 years or so that I have been in the Rite, but close friends that I have grown to love. So After seeing on the OR Members Forum a few months before that Hengest and Fran had decided to "renew" the wedding vows that they had sworn twenty years previously by becoming handfasted, I made sure that I would be there

Odinic Rite Vinland Folk Camp 2257

By Kathy Metzger AOR What can I say....another ORV Moot in the pages of OR history. It started as any other Moot, Donar's Hearth members running ragged getting all the preparations in place, finishing our shirts, booklets, food prep, etc... I mark the beginning of Moot at the Portland Airport at 2:30 am picking up our OR Brother Andy from Ontario, Canada. It is was awesome to meet him and honored he made such a long trip to attend Moot!