Tag Archive for: christians
The Reason for the Season!
YuleOne of the most common questions we get asked is how to get through "Christmas" when you are not a Christian. Well just take a look at what are considered the general trappings of "Christmas" and you will find that it all has origins in the pre-Christian past of our folk.
A Re-wakening of the Folk
OR and OdinismBy Phil AOR
If you were to ask almost any indigenous Briton what, in his or her opinion is the predominant religion of our Nation, you would certainly get the answer, ‘Christian’. But is this correct?
Family & SocietyAS A PEOPLE we are noted for our law-abiding qualities or recognition of the need for order. As Odinists we realise even more the need for order if we are to flourish. Nature is ordered, a fact which escapes many hippy-type heathens. If order breaks down chaos descends. So what is order?
OR and OdinismThe Odinic code is natural, life-affirming, and noble, and very often in direct contrast to the Judeo/Christian code. This is seen in many examples, but for the sake of space let us look at just one - PRIDE.