Tag Archive for: Aryan

Vedic – Eddic – Avesta : Part 1
Deities & LoreBy Egil Bamberger AOR & Hodr Fabian AOR
Upon opening ORBriefing, issue 219 Autumn 2261 pg.3 we read “The ancient Vedic texts written by our ancestors contain much of this wisdom …” The key word being “Vedic”, which may be a…

Thor & Sif
Circle of Ostara Articles, Deities & LoreFew of our divinities have been as much maligned by mythological compilers as Thor. There is no doubt that in the elder days he was an extremely popular god, one who was considered to be the patron of the people, a ready champion in times of trouble.

Giants and the reliability of received mythology (from the Eddas, Snorri and Saxo)
Circle of Ostara Articles, Deities & LoreThere appear to be two main classifications of deity grouped together under the term "giant": great creative spirits, and the powerful guardians of certain localities - mountains and rivers, for instance.

What’s In A Word?
Deities & Lore'IN the beginning was the Word' , a statement found at the beginning of the Hebrew Bible, is a typical word-play used to subtly twist the truth. ' The Word ' is attributed to the god Jehovah, a wrathful and destructive demon, and so all of creation is attributed to the destroyer. In reality the statement has a far different meaning.