Tag Archive for: gothi

On My Ordination, or A Manifestation of Wyrd
OR and OdinismBy Gothi Arinbjorn OR
On the night of Midsummer, 2264re, in front of friends, comrades and family, I was ordained as Gothi Arinbjorn of the Odinic Rite. This sacred ritual was the culmination of 4+ years of study, 2 years of growth and evolution, and a lifetime of events that seemed to point to that night.

The Solitary Path
OR and OdinismBy Mike P AOR
I do not know the true figures, but I would hazard a guess that about 80% of the Odinic Rite membership celebrates its religion in a solitary manner. Which means that for the vast majority of us Blot and Sumbel are simply not going to happen – we have no-one with whom to share such occasions, no-one we can join in prayer or practice. Or have we?

Interview with a Gothi – Heimgest CG
Video InterviewsAn interview with Heimgest, Director of the Court of Gothar of the Odinic Rite. This interview was conducted at The Mead Hall, a venue owned and run by Odinic Rite members in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.