Tag Archive for: apathy
ORBriefing: A Lifeline for Lone Members
OR and OdinismLook what the OR can do for me! Look what it offers! These comments I thought to myself many times, then it dawned on me, if nobody submitted articles to ORBriefing, if nobody took time to organize and work on things, then there would be nothing for the rest of us to enjoy and look forward to!
Isolation and the Threat of Apathy
Family & Society, OR and OdinismBy Asbrandir AOR
I believe that it is clear to most people that apathy is generally caused by two factors. The first would be lack of personal contact with another of like mind, with whom ideas, thoughts and general comradeship can be shared. The second, adding to the burden of the first, is to see on a daily basis one’s highest principles and ideals disregarded and trodden into the dirt, if not made outright illegal, in our dishonourable times.