Tag Archive for: aesir

The Burning of Gullveig
Deities & LoreBy Reginhard OR
In Sturlson’s Poetic Edda, Gullveig is characterised as a wicked money grabbing sorceress who when visiting Asgard talks of nothing other than the love of gold. “They listened with loathing and eventually thought the world would be better off without her so they hurled her into the fire”

Change: The Myth of the Giant Maiden
Poetry & ProseBy Hervor OR
Once upon a far and distant time, when the Gods were young – ere the First War was fought, or a wall built round Asgard – when we all lived in the forest and nobody lived anywhere else, the lad, Thor, sat on a shining summit of the Sacred Mountain, and looked out over the Earth.

A Woman’s Place
Family & SocietyIT HAS been said that Norse paganism is very patriarchal, giving rule and stress to the male in society and worship involved which mostly deals with Odin, Thor, Balder, Frey, etc.... But many fail to realise that the goddesses of the Aesir and Vanir played an important part in the life and worship of the Scandinavian peoples.

Odinism & The Environment – What Can Be Done?
EnvironmentPenda Wulfr OR
Midgard is in trouble, Mother Jorth is in a very bad way. The waters are polluted and the life within is being poisoned and hunted to extinction. The land is being raped and turned into deserts and dustbowls, over farmed…

Legend of Spearwort
NatureWhen Odin walks the Earth - the Wanderer of the Wilderness - he carries magic with him - you can see where his footprints lie. Springing from them grow great plants, at the edge of woodlands, in forest glades, beside the streams and waters of…