Tag Archive for: swastika

Meditations on the Black Sun – Part 1
Deities & LoreBy Volksieg AOR
The sole intention of this piece is to provide food for thought and, perhaps, to act as a launch pad for further discussion and exploration. None of the writings below should, of course, be considered “Holy Writ” or any such dogmatic nonsense but should be treated as they truly are: mere threads of thought collected as they became apparent. Therefore, I leave it up to you, dear reader, to ascribe any objective value of truth as is deemed necessary.

Odin and the Tower
Poetry & ProseBy Harry S AOR
Nothing could escape Odin’s eye when he sat in his High Seat of Hlidskjalf. He would cast himself onto its velvet upholstery, and let his mind move over all the worlds. One particular day, not so long ago in the memory of our people, he sat there and gazed over the multiverse.

True Potential
OR and Odinismby Redwald AOR
One of the most frustrating realisations one can have on the journey towards personal enlightenment comes in the moments we pause, look around and see the lack of ambition in our fellow man.

Holy Odinic Symbols: The Fylfot/Swastika
HeritageIn this article I have sought to concisely explain the history, etymology, meaning and modern use of the Fylfot/Swastika, including in ritual, utilising both external sources and my own interpretation and experiences as guides. I hope you will find this article both useful and interesting in learning more about this most holy of symbols. Hail the Fylfot!

Odinic Rite UK Folk Camp 2257
OR EventsReport by Asrad CG
Over the first four days of Fallow members of the OR gathered at Birchover in the beautiful Derbyshire Peak district of England for the OR Folk Camp.
We returned once more to this beautiful area with its many interesting sites and rolling countryside. Few places can offer such a wealth of ancient history within such a relatively small area.

The Great Moot 2256
OR EventsReport by Asrad CG
On Saturday the 4th Fogmoon 2256 members and friends of the Odinic Rite gathered in London for the Great Moot. Once again we were blessed with a very good turn out with members travelling from across Midgard to be with us. It is heart warming to see the effort that many of our members make to be with us at this very special occasion.