Tag Archive for: ORBriefing

ORBriefing: A Lifeline for Lone Members
OR and OdinismLook what the OR can do for me! Look what it offers! These comments I thought to myself many times, then it dawned on me, if nobody submitted articles to ORBriefing, if nobody took time to organize and work on things, then there would be nothing for the rest of us to enjoy and look forward to!

The Great Moot 2256
OR EventsReport by Asrad CG
On Saturday the 4th Fogmoon 2256 members and friends of the Odinic Rite gathered in London for the Great Moot. Once again we were blessed with a very good turn out with members travelling from across Midgard to be with us. It is heart warming to see the effort that many of our members make to be with us at this very special occasion.