Tag Archive for: gods and goddesses

The Odinic Pantheon – Preliminary ideas and a statement of purpose

In its resurgence over the past century Odinism has sometimes lacked credibility due to a tendency on the part of its adherents to refer to our deities in what can best be described as a literary fashion.

Ragnarok and the Myth of the Eternal Return

The story of Ragnarok is an example of the archetypal theme which has been categorised as the myth of the eternal return.


WE regard Odin as the most important of our gods. For this reason, whatever one thinks of when meditating or pondering on the gods and goddesses and their differing powers, each aspect of that power is part of the great Allfather.

The Christian Doctrine of the Incarnation – An Odinist view

OF ALL the doctrines of the Christian church it is the Incarnation which, the Christians themselves boast, distinguishes theirs most from other religions, both monotheistic and polytheistic. The Incarnation describes the Christians' belief that a god came down from heaven to earth and became a man.

Who were the Northmen?

The Northern Folk started out as hunters and gatherers on the Scandinavian Peninsula. They didn’t live in homes and they only ate what they could find in the forest, like berries and herbs. They also hunted for animals to eat like reindeer, wild boar, and rabbits.