Tag Archive for: death rebirth
The Myth of Ragnarok – As a Cosmic Event, Personal Event and as an Evolutionary Step Towards Odin Consciousness
OR and OdinismBy Arinbjorn OR
The destruction wrought in the Ragnarok is a reflection of daily events that occur across the cosmos. Though the mythic Ragnarok is seen by the layman as an end of a story, in truth it merely details a period of cleansing and transition. This transition is visible to us on a daily basis as Sunna passes over the western horizon and the new day begins.
Deities & LoreBy Raudskeggr AOR
Every spiritual culture has a Creation myth. The reason for the Creation myth is based upon the establishment of one's identity. As Odinists, Creation is central to establishing our Identity and understanding the beliefs and practices which stem from our ancestral lore.