Tag Archive for: Medicine

Health and Spirituality – An introductory guide to policy and recommended practice for Odinists

By Eowyn OR In cultures throughout the world, the vital link between health and spirituality has always been recognised; many- such as Buddhists- work with this link in their daily lives today. The ancient Vedic texts written by our ancestors contain much of this wisdom which unfortunately has been marginalised or lost to us as a consequence of our descension into the Kali Yuga aka the Wolf Age and with it, a great agenda that seeks to enslave us all. In particular, our folk have suffered as a direct result of embracing an alien creed, which sees the body and spirit as separate, the body often being regarded as little more than a repository of sin.

Bow Before the Power of the Onion and Despair!

Lalani Matheson AOR The onion. We all know it. Probably the most common vegetable for cooking, from raw slices on our hamburgers to the powder we season the meat with. It also seems to fall into the category of either loved unconditionally or loathed completely.


By Eowyn OR To a greater or lesser degree, most Odinists are aware that the environment is vital for the wellbeing of all our folk across the generations. However, it is also glaringly obvious that our own reverence for Mother Jorth is not…