Tag Archive for: Guardians

NatureFOR those of us who live in cities the arrival of Spring may not have much significance. It may pass unremarked, although our minds turn unbidden to thoughts of holidays. For our ancestors, however, the arrival of Spring was eagerly looked forward…

The Yarrow
NatureThe yarrow grows in abundance all over Europe and most of the temperate and sub-Artic parts of the globe. It is generally denigrated and despised by gardeners, who call it a weed, and work diligently to eradicate it from their lawns and flowerbeds.…

Cardiff Castle’s Stained Glass
HeritageARTISTIC representations of the Odinist pantheon and Eddaic mythology are remarkably rare, especially when compared with the mass of paintings and sculptures depicting classical subjects. Thus the beautiful and inspired series of stained glass…

Water of Life
HealthMen do not die, they kill themselves ~ Seneca, Greek Philosopher
Would you drink this cocktail?
Chlorine, Fluoride, MTBE (clean air additive to gasoline), Benzene, Arsenic , Lead, cadmium, aluminum, copper, trihalomethanes, calcium…

Your New Awakening: Your Health
Healthby Eowyn OR
Within the OR, there has been much discussion about the New Awakening; the usual context appertains to beliefs, what we do and how we behave. These are obviously vital considerations. But equally as important is our individual…

White Horse Stone Victory!
HeritageSummer 2006
Once again, with assistance from friends and comrades around the world the OR has helped to ensure that the WHS and its surroundings remain free from despoilation at the hands of Orange, the telecommunications company.
As many…

The Ancient White Horse Stone Under Attack Again!!
HeritageOnce again the ancient White Horse Stone in the county of Kent, England and the area around it has come under attack from the mobile phone company Orange!Only two years ago Orange proposed to put a mobile phone mast and cabin next to the White…

GWHS – Second Cleanup 19 March 2005
Activism, EnvironmentSecond Cleanup 19 March 2005
The second meeting of the Guardians of the WHS took place on 19th March.
After gathering at a pub car park, we all made our way up to the site itself armed with wheelbarrows, bin bags, gloves and grabbers for…

White Horse Stone Campaign
On the 26 July 2004 we received an email from a member of the public who is a resident in the White Horse Stone area. She informed us of a planning application by the telecommunications company ORANGE to erect a 15 metre mast/tower within…