Tag Archive for: Guardians

Radical Detoxification – Reclaiming the Wild Soul
HealthBy Eowyn OR
There is an ancient woman who lives in a place that everyone knows in their souls but few have ever seen. She is circumspect, often hairy, always fat and especially wishes to evade company. She crows and cackles, generally making more animal than human sounds. I might say she lives everywhere and nowhere- in the mountains, buried in a grave; maybe she will be seen walking to market or sitting by a well. Bone Woman is known by many names but always her purpose is to collect bones and especially that which is in danger of being lost to the world.

Deforestation & Bio-fuels
EnvironmentBy Asrad CG
For many years now, environmental campaign groups have been calling for much greater use of alternative energy sources in an attempt to reduce our dependency on fossil fuels. For a long time they were ignored by the big global industries; but over the last few years there has been a massive surge in interest from the multi-nationals and governments towards the use and production of bio-fuels. Why?

Cosmetic Ingredients – Part 1
HealthBy Solwyn AOR
Most people use products without knowing what an item is made of. Understanding an ingredient label enables you as a consumer to know what it is that you are putting on yourself. Some of these terms you may be familiar with from advertising, and some you may have heard of but have misinterpreted because the terminology in chemistry can be confusing. Still others are just plain nasty and you're scrubbing them right across your butt every morning in the shower. If you aren't sure what something is or does, google the term or visit the library, research the pros and cons, and see what some of these ingredients are being put in.

Back to the Land: The Path to Self-Sufficiency
ActivismBy Asbrandir AOR
In writing this article, it is my aim to start an on-going discussion on the idea of living in a community attempting to live as self-sufficiently as possible. I shall say now that I myself have just begun learning about this path and I can only do my best to explain my thoughts and ideas here. This is an open discussion, where ideas, positive energy and of course constructive criticism are readily accepted.

Holographic Ecology: Nemesis of the Loki-ites
HealthBy Eowyn OR
There is a great agenda which apparently threatens the very soul-path and evolution of our folk. All folk in the Rite are aware of this fact in some way. We see it in the wanton destruction of our heritage, our lands and our people. Deforestation, relentless road-building, immigration, pollution in our food and water supplies, media-disinformation: all are factors in the equation which I don't need to elaborate upon.

Idun Project expands in SE England
The Idun ProjectMembers of the OR met up on Sunday 22nd August to help Hengest clear his new allotment and ready the plot for propagation. If you've never rented an allotment before, then you have no idea how much blood sweat and tears it takes to knock an overgrown and neglected plot into shape. My blistered hands and aching body are witness to how much work we did.

Odinic Ritual: The purpose and need for Dance
HeritageDuring this summer’s Odinic Rite Folk Camp, I gave a talk and demonstrated a ritual dance, which was composed from Morris dancing steps of the Cotswold tradition. You can watch a video of this dance at the end of the article. The reason I decided to perform this dance at the Folk Camp was because I wanted to show those who had not considered it before, that ritual dance has great potential for Odinism in the Modern World.

The Legend of the Edelweiss
HeritageThe Edelweiss is one of the symbols of Switzerland, and also of other alpine countries such as Austria. It is a rare flower that grows at high altitudes. The Edelweiss has therefore given rise to many legends. This is one of my favourites

The Idunn Project – South East
The Idun ProjectThis first report by Jim charts his initial progress and thoughts about his newly acquired allotment, and shows that extensive gardening experience is not a prerequisite for such a venture - all you need is enthusiasm, respect for the soil and faith in Nature.

Holy Odinic Symbols: The Fylfot/Swastika
HeritageIn this article I have sought to concisely explain the history, etymology, meaning and modern use of the Fylfot/Swastika, including in ritual, utilising both external sources and my own interpretation and experiences as guides. I hope you will find this article both useful and interesting in learning more about this most holy of symbols. Hail the Fylfot!

Wyre Marsh coastal clean up
Activism, EnvironmentFreysbeacon Guardians met up as planned for a clean up of the Wyre salt marsh in North west England. There was literally tons of rubbish which is brought in on a high tide, most of the rubbish was plastic drinks bottles in which we cleared hundreds from the area.

Laundry and the butterfly: a study into the harm done by conventional detergents
EnvironmentIn this article I have sought to briefly explore and explain the harmful effects that conventional household washing/cleaning detergents can have upon the environment, it's ecosystems, and of course us, for we are of course inextricably linked to the fate and welfare of our surrounding natural environment.