Preservation and Destruction in the Vale of the White Horse

The landscape of the Vale has been shaped and adapted by the activity of man during the last five thousand years. Neolithic colonists from the European mainland brought with them the skills and equipment of agriculturists: they transported seed corn and domesticated the beasts of their flocks and herds.

Language of the Gods

Icelandic or Old Norse has come to be regarded in some Odinist circles as a kind of holy language. Just as Victorian clerks were wont to scatter Latin phrases throughout their writing and never used a plain word when a more obscure one could be found so some latter-day Odinists will often not use an English word in their rituals when they can find an Icelandic word that will do. It matters not that few of their fellow Odinists (sometimes even the user himself) do not understand. The user of language has made his point and others must wallow in ignorance, for some will be too intimidated to say, "Hey, what does all that mean?"

Rejecting the Past

In order to placate foreign and immigrant groups we - the indigenous peoples - must forego our own culture and our history because it is regarded as offensive and an affront to those who have small culture and no history. In the name of a spurious and unnatural equality we must forget our past and the breathtaking achievements of our people.

Oak Apple Day

Everywhere in England sprigs of oak were worn on 29 May, Oak Apple Day. They were sometimes called chitchat and in Hereford it was 'Chit-chat Day'. According to the English Dialect Dictionary both Chit Jack and Shitsack were in use at Barford, the next village to Wishford. These customs clearly link 29 May with Jack in the Green, Robin Hood, May Day and Summer Finding.

An Old Heritage

Canada is a Nation of immigrants. Even our indigenous aboriginal Native population is considered to have come from elsewhere. Eirik the Red Thorvaldsson having been kicked out of Norway emigrated to Iceland. From there it was a short sail to Greenland, a misnomer if ever there was one, and from there another short sail to Canada. Vinland, they called it, and that has been a problem ever since. Vinland as they found it didn't grow grapes, anymore than Greenland was green.

Cardiff Castle’s Stained Glass

ARTISTIC representations of the Odinist pantheon and Eddaic mythology are remarkably rare, especially when compared with the mass of paintings and sculptures depicting classical subjects. Thus the beautiful and inspired series of stained glass…

White Horse Stone Victory!

Summer 2006 Once again, with assistance from friends and comrades around the world the OR has helped to ensure that the WHS and its surroundings remain free from despoilation at the hands of Orange, the telecommunications company. As many…

The Ancient White Horse Stone Under Attack Again!!

Once again the ancient White Horse Stone in the county of Kent, England and the area around it has come under attack from the mobile phone company Orange!Only two years ago Orange proposed to put a mobile phone mast and cabin next to the White…

White Horse Stone Campaign

On the 26 July 2004 we received an email from a member of the public who is a resident in the White Horse Stone area. She informed us of a planning application by the telecommunications company ORANGE to erect a 15 metre mast/tower within…