The Rite

by Arinbjorn OR I feel It rising within me The Churning Fire flows Like waves on an endless ocean The Fylfot turns, the Wheel rolls And the Millstone grinds I draw it forth and push it out It is my ink and I will paint the World with…

Meditations on the Peaks

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By Redwald OR Meditations on the Peaks is a short film by OR Media inspired by the Julius Evola book of the same name. This film is not intended to be a review of the book, but aims to inspire Odinists towards a greater connection between…

Living the 9 Noble Virtues while being a stay-at-home father

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By Hagalaz AOR Having been laid-off from a company I had vested over 6 years of my life- without severance pay or unemployment opportunities- provided a myriad of tribulations, depression, financial hardship, sacrifice and personal growth.…

The Psychology of Action

By Redwald OR The Odinic Rite is particularly special because a significant number of our members are active. In this age of fingertip technology where such things as Facebook dominate the lives of many, it is all too easy to live one’s…

The Black Sun of Alchemy in Depression and Dark Nights of the Soul

A Great Moot talk By Eowyn CG How many people here have experienced some form of depression in their lives? How many of you often feel sad about life, are grieving a loss or are despairing of the state of the world and often question what…

Light in the Darkness

By Arinbjorn OR Greetings All! I hope that this last year has passed with ease and brought about at least some sense of evolution and growth. And here is to a New Year filled with more of it! It is a fact in this world that each year,…

A Saxon Solution

By Aeswyn OR While looking through old copies of ORB following a thread on the Forum originally posted by Hengest in 2007 – looking for anyone who had a copy of an index he had made of ORB issues – I got sidetracked from my intent by…

Odinic Rite Poetry Competition Results 2266 / 2016ce

In the autumn of last year, the first Odinic Rite poetry competition was opened for entries and submissions were sent in after members and friends of the OR read about it on this website. Submissions were carefully managed by competition…


By Anders B AOR After I’da finished the hammer that were featured on this site a while ago, the itch to make something that were associated with both our ancestral past and our faith got the better of I, and so too, the need to return…

The Treasures of the Gods

By Einar Randall AOR In this myth we are given a folkloric version regarding crop harvesting, the importance of cutting down the old stocks which is necessary to make way for the next planting. The connection to this idea stems form the fact…

The Word upon the Winds

by Gothi Arinbjorn OR When the shaman awoke, he called to the men and women of his tribe, roused them from sleep, and when they had gathered, he danced and sang his dream. His people sat enthralled and when he had finished, they asked what…

Conception, Perception and Introspection: Perspectives of Blotar

By Vidar / Gungnir Hama AOR The experiences of ritual, and Blotar especially are delegated to the three qualities of epistemology, the philosophy of knowledge; conception (reason), perception (observation or empiricism) and introspection…