A poem for Yuletide

by Aeswyn OR

A time of renewal
a time of new hope.
A new year is born
from the ashes of the old.
As the old year dies
with it die the broken dreams
the hurt and the lies.

Fresh hope is born at Yuletide
as the sun begins to grow.
New born are dreams and wishes
fresh chance to live anew.
The tree of life grows stronger
as sweet Balder comes again
and love is in the air.

So we bring indoors a tree
to symbolise the tree of life.
We bring in evergreens
to symbolise eternal return.
We burn a Yule log
as the old years pyre
with it we burn the old years pain.

Candles we light
to aid the power,
the power of the new born sun.
To make fertile again
this greenest land,
to make fertile again
our dreams and hopes.

Wassail this time of joy
make merry and celebrate.
Wassail the return
of the sun to strength.
Wassail the return
of hopes reborn.

Wassail to Odin and his God kin
and a happy new year
to us all may they bring.

A very Merry Yuletide to all my Odinic family.

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