Tag Archive for: wisdom

From a Word to a Word

By Volksieg AOR Language is one of the greatest tools and gifts mankind has ever wielded. Imagine a world without language? The rich inner world we each inhabit and explore cannot even take shape without the tools which language has provided.

So be it – A few thoughts on the idea of Calm Acceptance

By Sam Coles AOR I try to accept the course of events in my life, living as best as I can, but understanding that difficulty and struggle are not punishment or ‘ill-fate’, but are there to forge a stronger will, to improve us in all our aspects, and to put us onto the right path.

Odin – Allfather

Odin is the High One, the Father of our gods, the creator of our race. In the threefold aspect of Odin-Honir-Loður he breathed the spirit of thought and magic and awareness into us and made us human, the upright animal, with a spark of high divinity that makes us question and create and reach for the stars.


There are, as we know, some who actually give blot to Loki. A few of these do so because basically they are immature and get a thrill thinking they are being ``dark`` etc. and most of these types will grow out of it, though a few unfortunately will become immersed in negativity on a longer lasting basis.


As we have seen in previous articles including part 1 of this work, our mythology is applicable on various levels of reality and understanding. At a profound level it is an illuminated guide to our own individual evolution to more highly evolved sates and levels of consciousness. A path we progress upon over many lifetimes until we achieve the highest state of awareness, which we may call Odin Consciousness.


It is one of the great majesties of Odinism that our mythology is multi-layered and is therefore accessible to the Odinist at all levels of personal development. While this may at times be confusing to those studying the faith from a non-experiential point of view, to those actually and truly practicing it, it is a way of learning and growing.